Extraordinary Positive Vocabulary
Adjectives, Nouns, Verbs & Adverbs
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A. Accordant, Acuminous, Adonic, Adroit, Ae, Aeonian, Aesthetic, Aesthetical, Affine, Affined, Afflated, Afflating, Agapeistic, Alacritous, Alaudine, Alfresco, Alimental, Alimentary, Amaranthine, Ambrosial, Ambrosian, Ameliorative, Amelioratory, Amoroso, Anamnestic, Animastic, Anodyne, Anthophilous, Aperitive, Apodictic, Apollonian, Appetent, Apposite, Approbative, Arcadian, Argus-eyed, Aromatic, Artisanal, Ascendant, Aspirant, Assiduous, Assurgent, Au fait, Auriferous, Auroral, Auspicious, Autodidactic, Axiological, Axiomatic
Assertions, as advanced abstractions, alter actions. Actions ascertain an aggressive anima, or alternatively, admirable attributes. Actions also animate and alter authentic affections. The active articles among abstraction and action are assertions. Acceptable assertions are abiding, accomplished, admirable, altruistic and absolutely appealing.
B. Baconian, Balmy, Beamish, Beatific, Benedictive, Benedictory, Beneficent, Benignant, Besotted, Bijou, Biophilic, Blithesome, Bonza, Bonzer, Boolean, Breviloquent, Brill, Brobdingnagian, Buccal, Bucolic, Bully
C. Callipygous, Candescent, Canorous, Canty/Cantier/Cantiest, Celeritous, Chaplinesque, Chuffed, Clement, Clinquant, Coadjutant, Cock-a-hoop, Cogitabund, Cohortative, Collegial, Coltish, Columbine, Compendious, Complaisant, Concupiscent, Condolatory, Confelicitous, Conferrable, Conjugate, Connate, Consentaneous, Consentient, Consonant, Consubstantial, Convictive, Copacetic, Coruscant, Cosmopolitan, Couthie, Crackerjack, Credential, Crepuscular
D. Daedal, Dapatical, Demulcent, Dialectical, Didactic, Didascalic, Dinkum, Dispassionate, Doughty, Doxological, Droll, Dulcet
E. Ecclesiastical, Echt, Eclectic, Ecumenical, Edified, Edifying, Effulgent, Eleemosynary, Elemental, Eleutherian, Empyreal, Empyrean, En règle, Epi-, Epicurean, Epideictic, Epididactic, Epigamic, Epigrammatic, Epinician, Equable, Equanimous, Equiparent, Equipollent, Equiponderant, Equiponderate, Erudite, Esthetic, Esthetical, Eudaemonistic/Eudaemonistical, Eupeptic, Euphonic, Euphonious, Eurythmic, Eviternal, Excelsior, Exhortative, Exhortatory, Expergefacient, Eyesome
F. Facultative, Fain, Feateous, Felicitous, Feracious, Festal, Filial, Fleek, Forbearant, Forbearing, Frabjous, Fulgent, Fulgid
G. Galvanized, Galvanizing, Gelastic, Gelogenic, Glabrous, Glistering, Gnarly, Gracile, Gradely, Graith, Gruntled, Gustatory
H. Halcyon, Haloed, Harmonic, Harmonious, Heartsome, Henotic, Heuristic, Hortative, Hortatory, Hygeian
I. Idiosyncratic, Idoneous, Illecebrous, Immarcescible, Impavid, Impeccant, Inaurate, Incomplex, Indefatigable, Indubitable, Ineffable, Innate, Innocuous, Innoxious, Insouciant, Intemerate, Irenic, Iridine, Irrefragable, Irrevincible
J. Jiggish, Jimp, Jocoserious, Jolif, Junoesque, Juvenescent
L. Lambent, Largifical, Latitudinarian, Laureate, Lautitious, Leal, Lepid, Liefly, Liberal, Limpid, Lissome, Literary, Littoral, Longanimous, Luciferous, Lucriferous, Luculent, Ludibund, Ludic, Lusory
M. Mabsoot, Macrobian, Magistral, Magnanimous, Margaric, Margaritiferous, Marmoreal, Marmorean, Mediagenic, Meet, Mellifluent/Mellifluous, Melioristic, Melliloquent, Mellisonant, Meracious, Metropolitan, Mettlesome, Mickle, Minikin, Mirific, Moonstruck, Muliebral, Muliebrile, Muliebrous, Multifarious, Munificent, Mycophilic
N. Nanophilic, Nascent, Natalitial, Neonate, Neoteric, Nitid, Nobiliary, Nobilitate, Noetic, Noctiflorous, Nonpareil, Nubigenous, Nutrimental, Nutritional
O. Oecumenical, Omni-, On the qui vive, Oneiric, Opinable, Orbific, Orphean, Oscular
P. Pabulous, Paciferous, Palmarian, Palmary, Panglossian, Pansophical, Pansophistical, Paradisaic, Paradisiacal, Parnassian, Pecuniary, Pellucid, Percipient, Perdurable, Peregal, Perficient, Perspicacious, Perspicuous, Pharaonic, Philodemic, Philoprogenitive, Philoxenial, Phlegmatic, Pierian, Piquant, Pithy, Plenary, Pluperfect, Pollent, Polyphiloprogenative, Potable, Practicable, Precocious, Prefulgent, Prepossessing, Prepotent, Prescient, Prevenient, Prevoyant, Primo, Pro, Probative, Procinct, Profulgent, Proleptic/Proleptical, Propitious, Protean, Proto-, Providential, Puissant, Pukka, Pulchritudinous
The Entire Positive Adjective Glossary
R. Rathe, Ratiocinative, Recherche', Recipient, Redolent, Refulgent, Remissive, Renascent, Replete, Reviviscent, Riant, Rident, Ridibund, Risorial, Rutilant
S. Sagacious, Salubrious, Salutary, Salutatory, Salutiferous, Salvific, Sanative, Sanatory, Sanctiloquent, Sanguine, Sapid, Sapient, Sapiential, Saporific, Saporous, Sartorial, Sative, Scintillant, Scintillescent, Sedulous, Sempiternal, Selcouth, Sensate, Seraphic, Skookum, Slamin', Snod, Soigne, Solacious, Sonsy, Soothfast, Sophic, Splendent, Sponsal, Sprauncy, Staid, Sthenic, Stipendiary, Stonking, Suasive, Suaveloquent, Suaveolent, Sui generis, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Superconscious, Superlative, Supernal, Supersensible, Supraliminal, Sustentative, Sybaritic, Sylvan
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T. Tachytelic, Telegenic, Teleorganic, Tempean, Tempreative, Tempestive, Tenable, Thaumatological, Theanthropic, Theophilanthropic, Theopneustic, Timeous, Titivated/Titivating, Tony, Toothsome, Traditive, Transpicuous, Tretis, Tutelary, Twitterpated
U. Uber, Unabashed, Unigenous, Unisonous, Unisonal, Unisonant, Univocal, Unwithdrawing, Upbuilding, Utile Dulci, Uxorial
V. Vatic, Vaticinal, Vegete, Velocious, Venial, Ventorious, Venust, Veracious, Verdant, Verdurous, Verecund, Veridical, Veridicous, Veriloquent, Vernal, Vespertine, Vestal, Vibratile, Viparious, Vitative, Volable, Volant, Vulnerary
W. Waggish, Warranted, Weleful, Welsome, Wight, Woke
X. Xenial, Xenodocial
Y. Yare,
A. Advantage, Aerophile, Aesthete, Aficionada, Afrophile, Ailurophile, Americophile, Amerindophile/Amerindophilist, Amoret, Androphile, Anglophile, Arctophile, Armenophile, Ascendant, Asiaphile, Aspirant, Astrophile, Audiophile, Autodidact, Autophile
At the root of the word 'Amateur' is the Latin 'Amat' meaning that an amateur is someone who does something purely for the love of it
B. Beatus, Beau ideal, Bel-esprit, Bibliophile, Biophile, Bulgarophile
C. Cambrophile, Cartophile, Chamberlain, Cinephile, Clerisy, Coadjutant, Coadjutor, Cognoscente, Cognoscenti, Cohort, Complement, Confrere, Convive, Cosmocrat, Cosmopolitan/Cosmopolite, Crackerjack, Cynosure
D. Danophile, Deipnosophist, Demophile, Digerati, Dilly, Dinophile, Discophile, Doozer, Doozy, Doula, Doyen/Doyenne
E. Ecstatic, Egyptophile, Epididact, Epigram, Ergophile, Estophile, Eudaimonist, Europhile,
English elocution is existence extant. Expertise in executing expression evaluates everybody's emblematic energy of ennui or excellence. Enlightened enunciation is essential to an enduring ego and to enjoyably eventful, easygoing or enthusiastic, exchange. Effective efficiency in expressive elocution evaluates the essence and experience of each and every entity.
Express exquisitely. Effective executive emergence is electric, energetic, engaging, earnest, ethical, and equally enlightened and enlightening. It evolves and excites everyone. It empowers the everyday to emanate enchantment, elation, excitement, and effervescence. Executing exemplary expression emancipates the enjoyable, energizes the exceptional, engages the exciting, and electrifies the ebullient with endearing exuberance. Eagerly encourage the epitome: Endeavour to express extraordinary excellence
G. Gabriel, Gallophile, Germanophile, Glossophile, Grandee, Gynephile,
H. Heliophile, Hellenophile, Hibernophile, Hippophile, Hispanophile, Hungarophile
I. Inamorata, Inamorato, Indophile, Islamophile, Israelophile
J. Jazzophile, Judeophile
L. latitudinarian, Laureate, Lettophile, Libertarian, Librocubicularist, Logophile, Londonphile
M. Materfamilias, Maven, Meliorist, Metropolitan, Muslimophile, Mycophile
N. Nabob, Nemophile, Nemophilist, Neophile, Neonate, Neoteric, Nonesuch
O. Oenophile, Omnist, Ornithophile
P. Paladin, Palestinophile, Pangloss, Pansophist, Paraclete, Paradigm, Paragon, Paramount, Paterfamilias, Perfectibilian, Perfectibilist, Perficient, Persophile, Philalethist, Philomath, Philogynist, Philonoist, Pigsney, Pip/Pippin, Pluviophile, Polymath, Pogonophile, Potentate, Preceptor, Primogenitor, Prussophile, Psychrophile
R. Raconteur, Rara avis, Recipient, Retrophile, Russophile
S. Schatzi, Scholarch, Scion, Sinophile, Slavophile, Socius, Solon, Stipendiary
T. Technophile, Teutonophile/Teutophile, Thalassophile, Thaumatologist, Theodidact, Theophilanthropist, Theotokos, Turcophile, Turophile, Tutelary, Typhlophile
U. Upbuilder
V. Victor, Videophile, Votary
W. We Are One
X. Xenophile
Y. Younker
The Full List of Positive Nouns that Describe People
A. Accession, Acclamation, Acumen, Adroitness, Advantageousness, Aegis, Aerophilia, Afflatus, Agacerie, Agape, Agapism, Ailihphilia, Ailurophilia, Alacrity, Alannah, Alpenglow, Amen, Americophilia, Amerindophilia, Amour-propre, Androphilia, Angelocracy, Angelology, Angelus, Anglophilia, Aplomb, Apogee, Apotheosis, Apperception, Appetence, Appositeness, Approbation, Aroha, Ascendancy, Assimilation, Astrophilia, Ataraxia, Ataraxis, Ataraxy, Atticism, Aubade, Audiophilia, Aureole, Auspiciousness
B. Badinage, Basorexia, Bedizenment, Beguin, Behoof, Benedicite, Benefaction, Beneficence, Benison, Bibelot, Bibliophilia, Biophilia, Billet-doux, Bonhomie, Bon ton, Boomlet, Bravura, Brio
C. Cachet, Callista, Camelot, Canorousness, Caritas, Cartophilia, Cerebration, Christmastide, Cinephilia, Clemency, Coadjuvancy, Cockaigne, Comity, Complement, Conception, Concinicity, Confelicity, Consentaneity/Consentaneousness/Consentience, Cosmolatry, Cosmotheism, Crackerjack, Credence, Culmen, Cynophilia
D. Delectation, Demophilia, Desiderata/Desideratum, Dinophilia, Dithyramb, Doxology, Droit, Drollness
E. Eclat, Ectropy, Edification, Effulgence, Eirenicon, Electuary, Elysium, Empyrean, Encomium, Enophilia, Entaxy, Epicureanism, Epimyth, Epithalamion, Equanimity, Equipoise, Equipollence, Equiponderance, Esse, Estimableness, Estophilia, Ethography, Eudaimonia, Eudaimonism, Eunoia, Eupathy, Euphony, Europhilia, Eutaxy, Euthenics, Eutrapely, Expergefaction, Extropy
F. Facundity, Fellowship, Feminacy, Fettle, Florescence, Foison, Francophilia, Fulgor, Furbelow, Furtherance
G. Gallophilia, Gelasin, Generativity, Germanophilia, Gnosis, Graith, Gramercy, Gratulation, Gynephilia
H. Halcyon, Hardihood, Heliophilia, Hellenophilia, Henosis, Heuristic(s), Hippophilia, Honorificabilitudinitatibus, Honorificabilitudinity, Humdinger, Hygiastics, Hygiology
I. Iamatology, Immanentism, Indefatigability, Indophilia, Inflorescence, Instauration, Irenology, Irrefragability, Isness, Isopolity, Isonomy, Izzat
L. Lagniappe, Largesse, Latria, Legerity, Lenity, Lepidity, Lettophilia, Libertarianism, Lodestone, Logos, Lollapalooza, Longanimity, Lucubration
M. Macarism, Magnanimity, Mansuetude, Manuduction, Manumission, Marmoreal Repose, Meliorism, Mesmerism, Mirabilia, Muliebrity, Munity, Mycophilia
N. Naissance, Nascence/Nascency, Negentropy, Nemophilia, Neophilia, Nepenthe, Ne plus ultra, Nisus, Nitency, Nocturne, Noegenesis, Normalism, Novity, Nutrication, Nyctophilia
O. Obeisance, Oblectation, Oenomel, Oenophilia, Omnism, Oneirocriticism, Oomph, Ophelimity
P. Pablulum, Paean, Pancea, Panaesthesia, Panaesthetism, Panegyric, Pansophism/Pansophy, Pantheism, Pantisocracy, Paradigm, Parage, Parousia, Pash, Patefaction, Pathopoeia, Pedagogics/Pedagocy, Peerage, Penchant, Pepper-upper, Percipience, Perfectibilism, Perfectibility, Perfectionism, Perspicacity, Perspicuity, Philalethia, Philocaly, Philogyny, Philology, Philomathy, Philoxenia, Plaudit, Pluviophilia, Pogonophilia, Poiesis, Polymathy, Precosity, Prefulgence, Prepollence, Prevision, Prevoyance, Probity, Procinct, Pronoia, Propinquity, Propitiation, Propitiousness, Propriety, Psithurism, Pudicity, Pundonor
Q. Quietism, Quiety, Quintessence, Quixotism
R. Raillery, Rapport, Rapprochement, Rara avis, Ratiocination, Realism, Rede, Reguerdon, Repletion, Requiescence, Respair, Retrocognition, Retrophilia, Revivescence, Revivescency, Risibility, Russophilia
S. Sagacity, Sageship, Salad days, Salubriousness, Sanctanimity, Sanctum, Sangfroid, Sanguineness/Sanguinity, Sapidity, Sapience, Satiety, Satori, Savoir faire, Sedulousness, Seva, Sinophilia, Sockdologer, Sodality, Sooth, Succor, Suffisance, Surety, Sweven, Sylph, Syntropy
Speed originally meant Prosperity and/or Success and/or Rapidity' (aka. Spede)
T. Technophilia, Telegnosis, Telergy, Testamur, Thagomizer, Thaumatogeny, Thaumatography, Thaumatology, Thaumaturgy, Theanthropism, Theanthroposophy, Theurgy, Teutonophilia/Teutophilia, Theocentrism, Theopanism, Theopathy, Theophilanthropism, Theopsychism, Theosophy, Theotherapy, Threpsology, Titivation, Transcendentalism, Transvolation, Tretis, Trophism, Trophology, Trouvaille, Tucket, Turophilia, Tutelage
U. Uberty, Ubiquity, Ubuntu, Unicity, Universalism
V. Veracity, Veraciousness, Veriloquence, Verity, Vernality, Vertex, Victoria, Virtu, Vitalism, Vivat, Vivency, Volupty, Vraisemblance
Y. Youthquake
Z. Zoomagnetism
Full List of Positive Abstract Nouns
Absterge, Accourage, Accoy, Advantage, Ameliorate, Apricate, Approbate, Asseverate, Assoil, Baisemain, Basiate, Beatify, Bonify, Chirk, Complect, Comport, Concrew, Conflate, Coruscate, Degust, Deosculate, Depurate, Effloresce, Epuration, Equiparate, Excogitate, Exculpate, Explicate, Exosculate, Felicify, Felicitate, Furbelow, Gambol, Give, Homologate, Hospitate, Impetrate, Incede, Irroborate, Ken, Macarize, Maffick, Mundify, Munify, Nobilitate, Omnify, Osculate, Pacificate, Premiate, Propitiate, Rede, Redintegrate, Refocillate, Reguerdon, Reinfund, Respair, Revalorize, Titivate, Uprear, Upskill, Upstay, Valentine, Vaticinate, Winnow, Wive
Fine fluency, in its fidelity and form, is a fantastically fundamental faculty. Forming flair for flavourful fluency is fulfilling and fortuitously fruitful. Follow-up fundamental foundations are fortunate feelings and furthering a flourishing and fortified firmament.
Abask, Alacritously, Amen, Amoroso, Aright, Conamore, Drolly, Effulgently, Eudaemonistically, Fain, Felicitously, Gamefully, Imprimis, Indefatigably, Lief, Munificently, Pari passu, Perspicaciously, Perspicuously, Piquantly, Quicksticks, Quixotically, Saliently, Sedulously, Transcendentally, Verily, Vively,
Abundance, Adept, Adorable, Advantage/Advantageous, Arrival, Attraction, Awe, Balance, Brotherhood/Brotherliness, Compassion, Diligent, Ease, Encouragement, Enlightenment, Faith, Fellowship, Flow, Friendship, Freely, Gentleness, Giving, Good, Grace, Gratitude, Happy, Harmonic/Harmonious, Harmony, Hope, Hunky-dory, Imagine, Increase, Jovial, Jubilance, Kindness, Knowledge, Lift, Long-suffering, Love, Loving, Maternal, Mercy, Nobleness, Obedience, Patience, Peace, Philanthropy, Precious, Protective, Recipient, Self-sacrifice, Service, Sun-dappled, Tall, Teaching, Tolerance, Trust, Truth, Valentine, Wisdom
1. Ahh! Aaah! Aww! Binary Love Blessed Insult Cheers Cheers! Cool! Excellent! Good Good Wishes! Goody! Gramercy! Hallelujah! Hurray! Huzzah! Imagine Jovial Joy! Kudos! Kudus! Love this/it! "Mmmmm..." "Om" Oooo! Quabang Ta-da! U N I R1 Va-va-voom & Ooo-la-la! Vivat! We Are One Whee! Woo-Hoo! Wow! Yay! Yes! Yeet Yippy! You're Welcome! You Rock! Yowza! XOXOXO
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