Graphic Definition of Pulchritudinous

 Pulchritudinous adj. Of great physical appeal and beauty.

"The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,

because that is the doorway to her heart,

the place where love resides."

- Audrey Hepburn

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The word pulchritudinous comes from the Latin pulchritudo, meaning "beauty," and is an elaborate, somewhat archaic term used to describe something or someone possessing great beauty. It is not commonly used in everyday speech, but when it does appear, it is usually in a more poetic or formal context to describe someone whose physical appearance is strikingly attractive or aesthetically pleasing. The term conveys a sense of admiration for physical beauty in a refined and often grandiose way, sometimes sounding almost exaggerated due to its length and formality.

Pulchritudinous is primarily used to describe external beauty and so is most often used to emphasize the outward, visual appeal of a person. Due to its ornate and somewhat rare usage, pulchritudinous tends to evoke a certain classical or literary feeling, as though it belongs in a poetic description rather than casual conversation.


The Positive Emotions

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Grace in every glance and move,
Beauty’s soft embrace.

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