Graphic Definition of Skookum

Skookum adj. 1. Brave, large, and powerful.

2. Excellent.

"Skookum" is a word of Native American origin, specifically from the Chinook Jargon, which was a trade language used along the Pacific Northwest coast. In Chinook, skukum or skookum means "strong," "powerful," or "formidable." Over time, the word was adopted into English, particularly in regions of the United States and Canada, and it has come to describe something that is robust, impressive, or of superior quality.

"Skookum" is often used informally and can convey strength or excellence in a variety of contexts, from describing a person with great physical strength or skill to a sturdy, well-built object. It can also imply something that is outstanding or exceptional, be it a person, an experience, or an accomplishment.

Positive Adjectives

Positive Nouns that Describe People

Positive Abstract Nouns

Deep in the forest, where the rivers hum,
Stands a mighty cedar, 'Old Skookum'.
Where whispers of legends and old tales are spun,
Of its strength and spirit in God’s kingdom.


The Positive Emotions

Positive Word of the Day

The Extraordinary Words
