Graphic Definition of Twitterpated

Twitterpated adj. Infatuated or romantically overcome

Originally from the Disney movie Bambi

The mere mention of your name leaves me feeling utterly twitterpated like nature's awakening bringing a flutter of excitement to the heart. Like blossoms opening to the sun we find ourselves enchanted and captivated by the whimsy of newfound love. In a symphony of birdsong and blooming flowers, our spirits dance in a state of twitterpation, celebrating the intoxicating magic of the new season that we're bringing to each other.

See also: Moonstruck and Besotted


Romantic Adjectives

Romantic Nouns


If you don't feel "Twitterpated" today choose one-to-three of the following instead:

Amiable, Ameliorative, Amused, Amusing, Ascendant, Auspicious, Beatific, Blissful, Blythe, Blythesome, Boisterous, Bonzer, Brilliant, Buoyant, Carefree, Celebratory, Cheerful, Cheery, Childlike, Chuffed, Chipper, Cock-a-hoop, Cohortative, Coltish, Confelicitous, Content, Contented, Couthie, Crackerjack, Dapatical, Delightful, Delighted, Diverted, Droll, Easygoing, Effulgent, Elated, Enjoyable, Eudaemonistic, Euphoric, Excelsior, Exhilarated, Exuberant, Fain, Fantastic, Festal, Festive, Frabjous, Free, Frolicsome, Fulgent, Fun, Gelastic, Gelogenic, Glad, Gleeful, Good, Good-humoured, Good-natured, Grateful, Gratified, Happy, Happy-go-lucky, Harmonic/Harmonious, Heartsome, Humorous, In a good mood, In good spirits, Insouciant, Jiggish, Jocose, Jocoserious, Jocular, Jolif, Jolly, Jovial, Joyful, Joyous, Jubilant, Lepid, Liefly, Light, Light-hearted, Lively, Ludibund, Ludic, Lusory, Mabsoot, Merry, Mirthful, Optimistic, Overjoyed, Panglossian, Peppy, Perky, Playful, Pleasant, Pleased, Positive, Profulgent, Radiant, Rejuvenated, Rejuvenescent, Relaxed, Reviviscent, Rhapsodic, Risible, Rollicking, Sanguine, Satisfied, Shining, Slamin', Sportive, Sprightly, Sunny, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Thrilled, Thrilling, Tickled, Uber, Upbeat, Upbuilding, Uplifted, Uplifting, Vegete, Vibrant, Vitative, Vivacious, Weleful, Waggish, Weleful, Welsome, Whimsical, Wonderful, Zoetic




Positive Adjectives

Positive Nouns that Describe People

Positive Abstract Nouns

The Positive Emotions

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