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1. To be desired or approved of. 2. Having the qualities required for a particular role.
Good qualities can be found in the Positive Adjective Glossary
Divine Adjectives (Good God!)
1. That which is morally right; righteousness.
Aegis, Afflatus, Agape, Agapism, Aid, Alignment, Amour-propre, Aroha, Application, Appreciation, Assiduity/Assiduousness, Assistance, Awareness, Balance, Beneficence, Benevolence, Buoyancy, Brotherhood/Brotherliness, Consonance, Constancy, Compassion, Diligence, Earnestness, Encouragement, Enlightenment, Ethicality, Faith, Fellowship, Forbearance, Friendship, Generosity, Gentleness, Giving, Good, Goodness, Gramercy, Happiness, Harmony, Help, Helping, Honesty, Honour, Hope, Humaneness, Indubitableness, Integrity, Intent, Joy, Judiciousness, Kindliness, Kindness, Knowledge, Leading/Administrating diligently, Lightheartedness, Longanimity, Long-suffering, Love, showing Mercy cheerfully, Morality, Niceness, Nobleness, Obedience, Optimism, Patience, Peace, Peacefulness, Politeness, Positiveness, Positivism, Probity, Rectitude, Respect, Righteousness, Rightness, Sagacity, Sedulousness, Self-control, Self-sacrifice, Service, Seva, Solicitude, Steadiness, Sureness, Surety, Teaching, Thaumaturgy, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Tranquility, Truth, Truthfulness, Uprightness, Understanding, Unicity, Unity, Values, Vigilance, Virtue, Virtuousness, Wholesomeness, Wisdom, Worthiness
"As a young man I thought that I'd like to write a book titled 'The Good Book' not knowing whether it would be about ethics or more like a novel. Forty years later, a couple of months after creating this 'Nature of Good' web page, I realized that with this, and other already-compiled pages, I had the basis for this long-forgotten Good Book project. This page is the original basis for ..."
"There is no way to be pointed out save [except] the 'I AM'
It is the birth of the spirit." - Edgar Cayce Reading 262-10
2. Benefit or advantage to someone or something.
Activity, Acumen, Adroitness,
Advantage, Aegis, Afflatus, Aid,
Alignment, Amour-propre,
Application, Apperception, Approbation,
Assurance, Attention, Attentiveness, Awakening, Awareness, Balance, Beneficence,
Benefit, Benevolence, Blissfulness, Bountifulness,
Bounteousness, Brotherhood/Brotherliness,
Certainty, Clarity, Compassion,
Confidence, Consonance,
Discretion, Ease,
Economy, Encouragement, Energy, Engagement, Enjoyment, Enlightenment,
Esteem, Eudaimonia,
Favour, Fellowship, Forbearance,
Forethought, Fortune, Friendship,
Freedom, Gain, Gentleness,
Grace, Gramercy,
Happiness, Harmony,
Heedfulness, Help, Industry, Indubitableness,
Intent, Interest,
Inspiration, Intrigue, Joy,
Keenness, Knowingness,
Knowledge, Lightheartedness, Love,
Mercy, Merit, Mindfulness,
Niceness, Nobleness,
Obligingness, Optimism, Patience,
Pleasure, Politeness,
Positiveness, Possibility,
Potential, Precision,
Progress, Promise, Prosperity, Providence, Purpose, Prudence,
Quality, Quickness, Reasoning, Refreshment, Relief, Repletion, Respect,
Revelation, Sagacity, Sangfroid,
Satisfaction, Security, Serendipity, Service,
Spirit, Staunchness, Steadiness,
Supply, Sureness,
Surety, Synchronicity,
Tranquility, Truth,
Understanding, Unicity,
Utopia, Values,
Virtuosity, Vivacity, Watchfulness, Wealth, Welfare,
Well-being, Wisdom,
Find more synonyms in The Positive Emotions
1&2. Both Righteous and Beneficial.
Aegis, Afflatus, Aid Alignment, Application, Appreciation, Assistance, Awareness, Balance, Beneficence, Benevolence, Brotherhood aka Brotherliness, Buoyancy, Care, Certainty, Compassion, Consonance, Encouragement, Enlightenment, Faith, Fellowship, Forbearance, Friendship, Gramercy, Happiness, Harmony, Help, Indubitableness, Intent, Joy, Judiciousness, Kindliness, Kindness, Lightheartedness, Love, Mercy, Niceness, Nobleness, Optimism, Patience, Peace, Peacefulness, Politeness, Positiveness, Respect, Sagacity, Self-control, Service, Steadiness, Sureness, Surety, Thaumaturgy, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Tranquility, Truth, Understanding, Unicity, Values, Wisdom, Worthiness
1. informal Well. “My mother could never cook this good”
...The Positive Emotions are fuel for the other words as well as the path and destination. Is there a more worthy target?
In a reincarnate world governed by the Universal Laws...
Back cover of The Good Book.
Included in the book are the related...
Fruits of the Spirit Gifts of the Spirit
Positive Nouns Describing People
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