Graphic Definition of Theopneustic

Theopneustic adj. Of the inspiration from, and of, the Spirit of God.

The word theopneustic comes from the Greek words theos, meaning "god," and pneustos, meaning "breathed" or "inspired." It refers to something that is divinely inspired or spiritually guided, particularly in the context of religious texts, writings, or prophecies. When something is described as theopneustic, it is believed to be the result of divine influence or inspiration, often used in reference to sacred scriptures or works that are considered to have been inspired by God. The term is especially common in theological discussions, where it denotes the idea that certain writings or revelations come directly from a divine source.

In a broader sense, theopneustic can be used to describe any expression or act that is believed to be influenced by a higher power or spiritual presence. It conveys the notion that the individual or work in question is not just guided by human intellect or emotion, but by divine inspiration. In Christian theology, for example, the Bible is often described as theopneustic, meaning that it is seen as being "God-breathed" and divinely inspired. The term carries a weight of reverence and sacredness, highlighting the spiritual authority and divine origin of the subject it describes.

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 "I myself do nothing.

The Holy Spirit accomplishes all through me."

- William Blake


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The Good Book

Everything Good about Everything Good

"There is no way to be pointed out save [except] the 'I AM'

It is the birth of the spirit." - Edgar Cayce Reading 262-10


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Theopneustic light,
Whispers from the heavens guide,
Truth in every word.

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