Graphic Definiton of Tutelary

Tutelary adj. Of being a guardian or protector; guardianship.

n. One who serves as a protector or guardian.


The word tutelary comes from the Latin tutela, meaning “protection” or “guardianship,” and refers to something that provides protection, guidance, or guardianship. It is often used in contexts where an individual or force offers support, guidance, or protection to someone or something. For example, a tutelary figure could be a guardian angel, a mentor, or a protective deity. In this sense, the word can carry both a spiritual and a secular tone, signifying anything or anyone whose role is to watch over and provide for the well-being of others.

In a more specific context, tutelary is often used to describe the role or function of a protector, guardian, or guide. In mythology, many cultures have tutelary deities—gods or spirits that are believed to protect a particular place, group, or activity. The term can also be used more figuratively to describe someone who acts in a guiding or protective role, like a teacher or a wise advisor who steers someone toward success. Whether used in religious, cultural, or everyday contexts, tutelary emphasizes a supportive and protective role, providing oversight and care in a way that fosters safety and growth.

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