Graphic Definition of 'Argus-eyed'

Argus-eyed adj. Vigilant. 

The term argus-eyed is derived from the figure of Argus in Greek mythology, a giant who had a hundred eyes, which made him ever-watchful and incredibly perceptive. In modern usage, argus-eyed describes someone who is extremely observant, vigilant, or attentive to detail. This phrase conveys a sense of sharpness, where the person notices even the smallest of changes or flaws. An argus-eyed individual is not easily deceived and is often associated with being perceptive, watchful, and capable of detecting things that others might miss.

The expression can be used to describe anyone whose keen observation and ability to scrutinize their surroundings allow them to notice things that others do not, often in the context of detecting truth, spotting discrepancies, or maintaining vigilance. It may be used both positively, to praise someone's attentiveness, or critically, to indicate a tendency to be overly watchful or suspicious.

Positive Adjectives

Positive Nouns that Describe People

Positive Abstract Nouns

  With Argus-eyed watch, they scan the night,
No shadow escapes their vigilant sight.
A thousand truths in their gaze reside,
Ever alert to where secrets hide.


The Positive Emotions

Positive Word of the Day

Argus-eyed, they roam,
seeing things that others miss,
truth hidden in light.

The Extraordinary Words
