Graphic Definition of Splendent

Splendent adj. 1. Glossy; shining 2. Brilliant; illustrioius.

The word "splendent" describes something that is shining, brilliant, or radiant. Derived from the Latin word "splendens," meaning "shining" or "gleaming," it conveys a sense of dazzling brightness and impressive luminosity. When something is described as splendent, it is often characterized by its striking appearance and the way it captures and reflects light. This term is frequently used in literature and poetry to evoke images of beauty and grandeur, highlighting the awe-inspiring qualities of the subject.

In a broader context, splendent can also be used to describe anything that exudes excellence or magnificence. Whether it's a person, an object, or a scene, calling it splendent emphasizes its extraordinary and captivating nature. By invoking the idea of splendent, one can celebrate the brilliance and splendor that elevate the ordinary to the extraordinary, reminding us of the moments and things in life that shine with exceptional beauty and radiance.


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 "Nothing discernible to the eye of the spirit is more brilliant or obscure than humankind; nothing is more formidable, complex, mysterious, and infinite."

- Victor Hugo,  Les Miserables


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