Luciferous adj. Light bringing.
"Luciferous" is an adjective that comes from the Latin lucifer, meaning "light-bringer" or "morning star," and -ous, meaning "full of" or "having the qualities of." Historically, lucifer was used to refer to the planet Venus, which is visible at dawn and is often referred to as the "morning star." In more modern usage, luciferous describes something that brings light or something that is radiant, shining, or illuminating.
While the word has a poetic or literary quality and can be used to describe something that emits light, it can also carry a more figurative meaning, referring to something that enlightens or inspires understanding, often in an intellectual or philosophical sense.
Light related Adjectives: Aglitter, Aglow, Bright, Brill, Coruscant, Dazzling, Effervescent, Effulgent, Enlightening, Fulgent, Fulgid, Gleaming, Glinting, Glistening, Glistering, Glittering, Glowing, Lambent, Light, Luculent, Luminous, Prefulgent, Profulgent, Radiant, Refulgent, Rutilant, Scintillant, Scintillating, Scintillescent, Shimmering, Shining, Shiny, Star-like, Sun-dappled
Positive Nouns that Describe People