
Effective Advertising Words

Ad words that buyers respond to

  © 2013-2024 Systemagic Productions


The Top 20 Print Media Adjectives in order of efficacy:

1. New 2. Good/Better/Best (Best-seller, Best-selling) 3. Free 4. Fresh 5. Delicious 6. Full (Fully) 7. Sure 8. Clean 9. Wonderful 10. Special 11. Crisp 12. Fine 13. Big 14. Great 15. Real 16. Easy 16. Bright 18. Extra 18. Safe 20. Rich

Handbook for the New Normal

Other Premium Adjectives:

* Easy * Easiest * Exclusive * Fast * Guaranteed * Learn * Learn more * Limited * Proven * Simple * Tested * Unique *

Other Adjectives that have stood the test of time:

* 100% * Affordable * All new * Amazing * Approved * Automatic * Bargain price * Caring * Certified * Challenging * Classic * Colossal * Compact * Complete * Confident * Convenient * Crucial * Deductible * Deserve * Digital * Direct * Direct to you * Discounted * Double * Effective * Eligible * Enhanced * Enormous * Entire * Equal * Excellent * Excellent * Offer * Excellent service * Exciting * Exiting details * Expert * Expert advice * Explained * Extra * Extra income * Extra cash * Extraordinary * Funny * Genuine * Giant * Gigantic * Great * Greatest * Handy * Happy * Healthy * High * Highest * Hottest * Huge * Instant * Leading * Lifetime * Lowest * Original * Profitable * Proven * Quality * Rare * Ready-to-use * Reduced * Refundable * Revolutionary * Selected * Smart * Special * Standard * State-of-the-art, * Sure-fire, * Surprising * Tested * Top * Tried-and-true * Triple * Ultimate * Unlimited * Updated * Useful * Wide variety * World's greatest *

Dynamic Resume Verbs          Professional Adjectives

Professional Nouns that Describe People

Unlimited Time Offer!

The Top Twenty Print Media Verbs in order of efficacy:

1. Make 2. Get 3. Give 4. Have 5. See 6. Buy 7. Come 8. Go 9. Know 10. Keep 11. Look 12. Need 13. Love 14. Use 15. Feel 16. Like 17. Choose 18. Take 19. Start 20. Taste

Other Premium Verbs:

* Be * Click * Compare * Discover * Don't (miss out) * Ends * Find * Grow * Increase * Love * Start/Start here * Save * Try/Try it *

Others Verbs that have stood the test of time:

*Act now! * Be first to qualify * Dare * Dare you * Delivered * Donate * Eliminate * Exceed * Explained * Get ahead * Get something extra * Helping people like you * Hurry * Improve * Introducing * Invest * Open 24 hours a day * Order now! * Order today * Pay later * Profit * Read all about this * Reveal * Succeed * Take advantage of * Unlock * Win *

Nouns Worth Using:

* A child can do it * Anyone can do this * Bargain * Beauty * Benefits * Bonanza * Bonus * Bonus gift * Breakthrough * Commission * Credit cards accepted * Discount * Ease * Expert * Experts say * Fortune * Free gift * Gift * Growth * Holiday sale * Holiday price * Health * Innovation * Money * a must * Opportunity * Possibilities * Profit * Results * Sale * Savings * Spotlight * Testimonials * Time * Total * Value * Variety * Wealth * You *

Other Phrases:

* All you need * Before and after * Doesn't have to be * For a one time fee of... * Now is the time *


* Easily * Effortlessly * Fast * Forever * How to * Immediately * In minutes * In seconds * Money making * Quickly * Right now! * While supplies last *

28 Words and Phrases that Inspire Safety

These are from Jon Morrow's Boost Blog Traffic compilation.  They inspire Trust.  Good for use on Payment and Signup Forms.


* Anonymous * Authentic * Backed * Best-selling * Cancel Anytime * Certified * Endorsed * Guaranteed * Ironclad * Lifetime * Moneyback * No Obligation * No Questions Asked * No Risk * No Strings Attached * Official * Privacy * Protected * Proven * Recession-proof * Refund * Research * Results * Secure * Tested * Try Before You Buy, * Verify * Unconditional *

Five Persuasion Words

Each of these triggers a different desired response in the audience, for example “instantly” triggers mid-brain activity that feeds our desire for quick gratification.  Use these words in email subject lines, calls to action, headings, opening sentences and paragraphs, and persuasion-required meetings.

* You * Free * Because * Instantly * New *

The Good Book

 Everything Good about Everything Good


Forty-eight Power Words

This list, originally complied by Linda Roth and Curtis Circulation Company, was derived from best-selling magazine covers. Interweave’s Bob Kaslik determined that it works equally well in promo copy and email subject lines.


* Improve * Trust * Immediately * Discover * Profit * Learn * Know * Understand * Powerful * Best * Win * Hot Special * More * Bonus * Exclusive * Extra * You * Free * Health * Guarantee * New * Proven * Safety * Money * Now * Today * Results * Protect * Help * Easy * Amazing * Latest * Extraordinary * How to * Worst * Ultimate * Hot * First * Big * Anniversary * Premiere * Basic * Complete * Save * Plus! * Create *

Nine Words for Email & Social Media Shareable Content

* Secret * Tell us * Inspires * Take * Help * Promote * Increase * Create * Discover *

Facebook Words that Inspire Shares, Likes & Comments

* Amuses * Comment * Deals * Discount * Inspires * Post * Should * Submit * Take  * Tell Us *  Where * Warns * When * Would *

Eleven Cause-And-Effect Words and Phrases:

"Cause-and-effect words make your claims sound objective and rational rather than subjective." - Author Darlene Price

* Accordingly * As a result * Because * Caused by * Consequently * Due to * For this reason * Here's Why * Therefore * Thus *

 The best adjectives for certain products in order of efficacy:

MP3 Player:  1. Small 2. Loud 3. Reliable 4. Good Value  5. Clear  6. Stylish  7. Good Looking

SUV:   1. Large 2. Safe 3. Reliable 4. Rugged  5. Comfortable 6. Good Value 7. Strong  8. Stylish  9. Good Looking  10. Alive

Jeans:   1. Comfortable 2. Stylish  3. Good Looking  4. Rugged

                 More will be added if/when found.

Be sincere and brief.

Find synonyms for many of these words in the Positive Adjective Glossary

 Moving Words\

Image from the Sydney Writers' Festival 2009

One Week of Moving Words campaign by Saatchi Design

With regards to design buyers negotiate their identity with a sense of style and a sense of fun.

Positive Adverbs    Positive Nouns


The Extraordinary Words            Home

