Remissive adj. Of bringing about, or granting, pardon or remission.
The word remissive pertains to the act of forgiving, pardoning, or showing leniency. It is derived from the Latin word remissivus, meaning "relaxing" or "lenient." In its application, remissive can describe a quality or action that mitigates, reduces severity, or grants absolution. For example, it may refer to a judge's remissive attitude when reducing a sentence or to the healing or alleviating qualities of a therapeutic intervention.
In a broader, metaphorical sense, remissive reflects an attitude of grace and understanding, emphasizing humanity’s capacity for forgiveness and renewal. It speaks to the power of releasing tension, conflict, or guilt and fostering reconciliation in personal or societal contexts.
Positive Nouns that Describe People
Forgiveness takes wing,
A remissive heart's warm grace,
Healing injury.