Graphic Definition of Eupeptic

Eupeptic adj. 1. Of good digestion. 2. Cheerful; happy.

The term "eupeptic" is derived from the Greek words "eu," meaning "good," and "pepsis," meaning "digestion." It describes a state of good digestion or a condition that promotes digestive health. More broadly, "eupeptic" can refer to anything that is conducive to or supports overall well-being and a positive, healthy state of being.

In a literal sense, an eupeptic condition is one where digestion is functioning optimally, leading to comfort and health. For example, eupeptic foods or remedies might be those that aid in digestion and contribute to a balanced digestive system. In a more figurative or metaphorical context, "eupeptic" can describe an overall sense of well-being or a state of being positively inclined and content.

Overall, "eupeptic" underscores the value of maintaining good health and balance, particularly in the context of digestion and overall wellness. It reflects a focus on conditions and practices that promote a healthy and comfortable state of being.

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