Graphic Definition of Apodictic

Apodictic adj. Of absolute certainty. 

"Apodictic" is an adjective that comes from the Greek word apodeiktikos, meaning "evident" or "demonstrative." It refers to something that is undeniably true, certain, or self-evident, often in the context of logic, philosophy, or argumentation. An apodictic statement or claim is one that is considered to be incontrovertibly proven, leaving no room for doubt or dispute. It is often used to describe truths that are universally accepted or conclusions that are reached through irrefutable reasoning.

In essence, "apodictic" refers to knowledge, statements, or assertions that are absolute and indisputable, conveying certainty and clarity.


Divine Adjectives

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An apodictic fact,
Grounded in reason's pure sway,
Leaves no room for question,
Standing firm it's here to stay.


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"For each, to be sure, in their sphere of activity, have some truth;

but no finite mind has ALL the truth! For TRUTH is a growing thing?"

- Edgar Cayce 282-4


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