Positive Adjectives That Describe Mom
Descriptive Words about Mothers
A. Abiding, Able, Aboveboard, Abundant, Accepting, Accessible, Accommodating, Accommodative, Acknowledging, Active, Actual, Adaptable, Adept, Admirable, Admired, Adored, Adoring, Advocative, Affable, Affectionate, Affective, Alimentary, All heart, Allegiant, All-important, Altruistic, Amative, Amazing, Ameliorative/Amelioratory, Amenable, Amiable, Amicable, Amusing, Appeasing, Appreciated, Approachable, Appropriate, Approving, Apt, Assertive, Assiduous, Assistive, Associative, Assuring, At hand, At the ready, Attentive, Autodidactic, Atypical, August, Authentic, Authoritative, Available, Awaited, Aware, Awesome
B. Balanced, Beaming, Beautiful, Believable, Belonging, Beneficent, Benevolent, Benignant, Better, Best, Beyond compare, Big-hearted, Blue-ribbon, Bright, Buoyant, Bustling, Busy
C. Calm, Calming, Calmative, Can do, Canny, Capable, Cared fore, Careful, Caring, Casual, Celebrated, Celebratory, Centered, Central, Certain, Changeless, Charitable, Charming, Cheerful, Cherished, Cherishable, Cherishing, Chosen, Chummy, Classic, Classy, Clean, Clear, Clear-cut, Clearheaded, Clear-sighted, Clement, Close, Collaborative, Colourful, Comfortable, Comforting, Commanding, Commiserative, Committed, Commodious, Commonsensical, Communal, Communicative, Commutual, Companionable, Compassionate, Competent, Complete, Complimentary, Composed, Conciliatory, Condolatory, Confident, Congenial, Conscientious, Consentient, Considerable, Considerate, Consistent, Constructive, Contemplative, Conversant, Convivial, Cooking with gas, Cool, Copacetic, Cordial, Correct, Correlative, Courteous, Cozy, Crackerjack, Creative, Credible, Creditable, Credited, Cultured, Curative
D. Dapatical, Dauntless, Dear, Decent, Decisive, Dedicated, Deductive, Definite, Deliberate, Delightful, Dependable, Deserving, Determined, Devoted, Didactic, Diehard, Dignified, Diligent, Diplomatic, Direct, Disarming, Discerning, Disciplined, Discreet, Distinguishing, Diverse, Doting, Doubtless, Doughty, Down-to-earth, Driven, Durable, Dutiful, DynamicE. Earnest, Earthy, Easy to approach, Easy to talk to, Echt, Economical, Edifying, Educational, Effective, Effectual, Efficient, Elevating, Empathetic, Empowering, Enabling, Enchanting, Encouraging, Endearing, Endorsing, Enduring, Energetic, Energizing, Engaged, Engaging, Enjoyable, Enlightening, Enlivening, En règle, Enriched, Enriching, Enterprising, Entertaining, Enthusiastic, Entrusted, Equiponderant/Equiponderate, Equitable, Essential, Established, Esteemed, Ethical, Eudaemonistic/Eudaemonistical, Even-handed, Evocative, Evolved, Excellent, Exemplary, Exhortative/Exhortatory, Expeditious, Expeditive, Experienced, Extraordinary
F. Facilitative, Factual, Fair, Faithful, Familial, Familiar, Fantabulous, Fantastic, Far-sighted, Favourite, Feelgood, Felicitous, Fiery, Filigreed, Firm, First, First-class, First-order, First-rate, Five-star, Flavourful, Flavoursome, Focused, Fond, Forbearant/Forbearing, Foremost, Foresighted, Forgivable, Forgiving, Formidable, For real, Forthcoming, Forthright, Fortifying, Forward-thinking, Foundational, Foundationary, Four-star, Frank, Friendly, Fruitful, Fulfilling, Fundamental
G. Generative, Generous, Genial, Genteel, Gentle, Genuine, Germane, Giving, Goal-oriented, Good, Goodhearted, Good-feeling, Good-humoured, Goodly, Good-natured, Graceful, Gracious, Greathearted, Grounded, Guaranteed, Guiding, Guileless, Gumptious, Gung ho
H. Handy, Happy, Hard-working, Harmless, Harmonic, Harmonious, Head, Healing, Heartfelt, Heartsome, Heart-to-heart, Heartwarming, Hearty, Heavenly, Helpful, Helping, Heroic, High Calibre, High-demand, Highly valued, High-minded, High-quality, High-reaching, High-spirited, Honest, Honourable, Honoured, Hortative/Hortatory, Hospitable, Huggy, Huggable, Human, Humane, Humanistic, Humanitarian, Humble, Hygienic
I. Ideal, Idealistic, Illuminating, Imaginative, Imitable, Immaculate, Immeasurable, Immediate, Impartial, Impassioned, Impeccable, Imperturbable, Important, Improvisational, Incisive, Inclusive, Incomparable, Incontrovertible, Incomplex, Incorrupt, Incorruptible, Inculpable, Indefatigable, In demand, Indestructible, Indispensable, Indisputable, Indomitable, Indubitable, Industrious, Inexhaustible, In fine fettle (good spirits), Influential, Informative, Inimitable, Innovative, Inquisitive, Insightful, Inspirational, Inspiring, Inspiriting, Instinctive, Instructive, Integral, Integrated, Integrative, Interconnected, Interconnective, Intelligent, Intent, Interactive, Interested, Intertwined, Intrepid, Intrinsic, Inventive, Invigorated, Invigorating, Invincible, Inviting, Irenic, Irreplaceable, Irrepressible, Irreproachable
J. Jovial, Joyful, Joyous, Judicious, Junoesque, Just, Justified, Just right, Juvenescent
K. Keen, Key, Kind, Kind-hearted, Kindly, Knowable, Knowing, Knowledgeable, Known, Kosher
L. Ladylike, Laid-back, Laudable, Leading, Leisurely, Lenient, Level-headed, Liberal, Liberated, Liberating, Libertarian, Liefly, Light-hearted, Likable, Lively, Longanimous, Logical, Lovable, Loved, Lovely, Loving, Loyal
M. Magical, Magnanimous, Made a difference, Managerial, Mannerly, Matchless, Maternal, Matter-of-fact, Mature, Maximal, Meaningful, Measured, Meditative, Melioristic, Memorable, Merciful, Meritable, Meritorious, Merry, Methodical, Methodological, Meticulous, Mettlesome, Mindful, Miraculous, Mitigative, Mitigatory, Model, Modest, Moral, Motherly, Motivating, Motivational, Moving, Muliebral/Muliebrile/Muliebrous, Multidimensional, Multidisciplined, Multifaceted, Munificent
N. Natural, Near to one's heart, Nearby, Neat, Necessary, Needed, Neighbourly, Never-failing, Nice, Noble, Nobody's fool, No dummy, No strings attached, Nonchalant, Nonpareil, Normal, Normative, Not born yesterday, Nourishing, Number 1, Number one, Numero uno, Nurturing, Nutrimental
O. Objective, Obliging, Observant, OK, Okay, On hand, On the ball, On the beam, On the job, On the outlook, On the money, On the move, Open, Open-handed, Open-hearted, Open-minded, Optimal, Optimistic, Optimum, Orderly, Organic, Organized, Original, Outgoing, Outspoken, Outstanding, Overflowing, Overriding, Overruling, Overt
P. Pabulous, Pacific, Pacifistic, Painstaking, Pally, Parental, Par excellence, Participative, Participatory, Particular, Patient, Peaceable, Peaceful, Pecuniary, Peerless, Penetrating, Perceptive, Perceptual, Perennial, Permissive, Perseverant, Persevering, Persistent, Personable, Persuasive, Persistent, Pertinent, Philanthropic, Philosophical, Pious, Placid, Pleasing, Plenteous, Plentiful, Plucky, Poignant, Poised, Pollent, Polite, Positive, Potent, Powerful, Practicable, Practical, Practiced, Pragmatic, Praiseworthy, Prayerful, Precious, Preemptory, Prepared, Preponderant, Prepotent, Present, Presentable, Prevalent, Prevailing, Priceless, Primary, Principled, Proactive, Probative, Productive, Proficient, Progressive, Promotional, Prompt, Proper, Propitious, Protective, Proto-, Proud, Prudent, Puissant, Punctual, Pure, Purifying, Purposeful, Purposive
Q. Qualified, Qualitative, Quality, Queenly, Quemeful, Quick, Quickened, Quick on the draw, Quick-witted, Quiet, Quintessential
R. Rare, Rational, Razor-sharp, Reliable, Reachable, Ready, Real, Reassuring, Receptive, Reciprocal, Recommendable, Rejuvenating, Related, Relative, Relaxed, Relaxing, Relished, Remarkable, Renewing, Renewed, Resourceful, Respectable, Respected, Respectful, Restorative, Revitalized, Revitalizing, Revivifying, Rewarded, Rewarding, Right, Righteous, Right neighbourly
S. Sacrosanct, Safe, Salubrious, Sapient/Sapiential, Satisfying, Saucy, Savoury, Savvy, Scrupulous, Seasoned, Second-to-none, Secure, Secured, Sedulous, Self-assured, Self-confident, Self-disciplined, Self-expressive, Self-governing, Selfless, Self-made, Self-sacrificing, Self-starting, Self-taught, Sensible, Sensitive, Sentimental, Serene, Service-minded, Service-oriented, Settling, Sharing, Sharp, Sharp-eyed, Sharp-witted, Sheltering, Shrewd, Significant, Simple, Sincere, Skilful, Skilled, Smart, Sociable, Social, Societal, Soft-hearted, Solid, Solid gold, Solomon-like, Soothing, Soulful, Sound, Special, Spicy, Spiffy, Spirited, Spiritual, Splendid, Sponsal, Spontaneous, Spotless, Square, Stable, Staid, Stainless, Stalwart, Stand-up, Stately, Staunch, Steadfast, Steady, Stellar, Sterling, Sthenic, Stick-to-itive, Still, Stimulative, Stouthearted, Straightforward, Straight out, Strategic, Strong, Strong-willed, Suasive, Substantial, Substantive, Succinct, Super, Superabundant, Superb, Super-ethical, Super-excellent, Superlative, Supporting, Supportive, Sure, Sure-fire, Sure-footed, Sure-handed, Surpassing, Sustaining, Sustentative, Sweet, Swell, Sympathetic, Synergistic, Systematic
T. Tactful, Take-charge, Talented, Taught, Teaching, Temperate, Tenacious, Tender-hearted, Terrific, Therapeutic, There, Thorough, Thoughtful, Thriving, Tidy, Tight, Timeless, Time-saving, Tip-top, Tireless, Together, Tolerant, Tonic, Top, Top drawer, Top-notch, Tops, Touching, Tough, Traditive, Trailblazing, Tranquil, Transformative, Transpicuous, Treasurable, Treasured, True, True-blue, Trusted, Trustful, Trusting, Trustworthy, Trusty, Truthful, Tutelary, Twenty-four carat
U. Unabashed, Unafraid, Unambiguous, Unassuming, Unbeatable, Unbeaten, Unbiased, Unblemished, Unbroken, Uncensurable, Uncommon, Uncomplicated, Uncompromising, Unconditional, Unconditionally Loving, Unconventional, Uncorrupted, Undauntable, Undaunted, Undeniable, Understandable, Understanding, Understood, Undisputed, Undivided, Undoubted, Unequalled, Unequivocable, Unequivocal, Unfaltering, Unfaultable, Unfeigned, Unflagging, Unflappable, Unhesitating, Unimpaired, Unimpeachable, Unimpeded, Unique, Unisonous, Unobtrusive, Unparalleled, Unpretentious, Unquestionable, Unrefuted, Unreserved, Unrivalled, Unselfish, Unshakable, Unshaken, Unstoppable, Unsurpassed, Untarnished, Untiring, Unwavering, Upbeat, Upbuilding, Up front, Uplifting, Upright, Upstanding, User-friendly, Utilitarian, Uxorial
V. Validating, Valued, Veracious, Verecund, Versatile, Vibrant, Vigilant, Vigorous, Viparious, Virtuous, Vital, Vivacious, Vivid, Vivifying
W. Wanted, Warm, Warm-hearted, Watchful, Welcome, Welcoming, Well-behaved, Well-disposed, Well-established, Well-founded, Well-grounded, Well-informed, Well-intentioned, Well-liked, Well-meaning, Well-received, Well-spoken, Whiz-bang, Wholehearted, Wholesome, Wise, Within reach, Without equal, Wonderful, Working, World class, Worthy
X. Xenial, Xenodochial
Y. Young-at-heart
Z. Zealous, Zestful, Zesty, Zoetic
All the jobs that mothers perform.
A. Acceptor, Ace-in-the-hole, Achiever, Adherent, Administrator, Admirer, Adorer, Adviser, Advisor, Advocate, Aficionada, Aide, Alleviator, Ally, Altruist, Agent, (noun)-aholic [ex. workaholic], Appreciator, Arbiter, Archetype, Asset, Assistant, Attendant, Authority
B. Baby sitter, Backer, Backup, Begetter, Being, Believer, Benchmark, Benefactor, Benefactress, Benefit, Bestower, Big wheel, Blessing, Bodyguard, Boss, Booster, Bundle of energy, Builder
C. Carrier, Caretaker, Catalyst, Cause, Chambermaid, Chaperon, Chauffer, Chef, Cheer leader, Cleaning lady, Coadjutant, Collaborator, Comforter, Commander, Companion, Confidant, Conservator, Consoler, Consultant, Contributor, Controller, Cook, Cooperator, Cornerstone, Counsel, Counselor, Counsellor, Creator, Custodian
D. Dear, Defender, Deipnosophist, Devotee, Director, Doer, Domestic, Donor, Driver, Dynamo
E. Economist, Elder, Encourager, Endorser, Enthusiast, Escort, Eudaimonist, Example, Exemplar, Experimenter, Expert, Exponent
F. Family, Financier, Fireball, First in command, Force, Forebearer, Forerunner, Foundation, Fount, Fountain, Fountainhead, Friend
G. Generator, Gentlewoman, Gem, Gift, Gift-Giver, Giver, Godsend, Go-getter, Good egg, Good Samaritan, Good spirit, Good thing, Grantor, Grubstaker, Guarantor, Guardian, Guidance counsellor, Guide, Guru
H. Handler, Hard worker, Head, Heart, Help, Helper, Heroine, Homemaker, Host, House keeper, Housewife, Human being, Humanitarian
I. Icon, Ideal, Individual, Influence, Initiator, Innovator, Inspiration, Institutor, Introducer, Inviter
J. Jewel
L. Lady, Leader, Leading Light, Liberal, Lightworker, Lover, Luminary
M. Ma, Ma-ma, Maid, Maker, Manager, Marvel, Materfamilias, Matriarch, Mediator, Meliorist, Memory-maker, Mentor, Minder, Miracle, Miracle worker, Mom, Mommy, Monitor, Mother, Motor, Mover, Motivator, Mum, Mummy
Complete List of Positive Personal Nouns
N. Nonesuch, No slouch, Number one, Numero uno, Nurse, Nursemaid, Nutritionist
O. Object of affection, Oenophile, One and only, Operator, Optimist, Orchestrator, Organizer, Original, Originator, Overseer
P. Pacifier, Paradigm, Paragon, Parent, Participant, Pathfinder, Patron, Pearl, Peacekeeper, Peacemaker, Perfectibilian, Perfectibilist, Perfectionist, Personality, Phenom, Phenomenon, Philalethist, Playmate, Planner, Policy maker, Predecessor, Presence, Presenter, Prime mover, Primogenitor, Problem-solver, Producer, Progenitor, Promoter, Promulgator, Proponent, Proposer, Proprietor, Protagonist, Protector, Provider, Purist, Purveyor
R. Reader, Referee, Reliever, Regulator, Resource, Right-hand person, Role model, Rooter, Runner
S. Saint, Salt of the earth, Saver, Saviour, Scripter, Sculptor, Self-starter, Sentinel, Servant, Server, Soul, Sponsor, Stabilizer, Standard, Star, Straight shooter, Stipendiary, Strategist, Something, Something else, Staker, Stylist, Superstar, Superwoman, Supervisor, Supplier, Support, Supporter
T. Teacher, Testator, Thinker, Transporter, Trainer, Treasure, Tutor
U. Underwriter, Upholder
V. Validator, VIP, Visionary, Volunteer
W. Wellspring, Well-wisher, Wife, Winner, Wizard, Woman, Wonder, Workhorse
Seasonal Vocabulary
Business Positive Adjectives Divine Adjectives