One, in ubiquity,
encompasses everyone
and everything.
...speaks to the interconnectedness of all things. It embodies the harmonious unity that transcends individual boundaries, reminding us that we are part of a collective tapestry. In the embrace of oneness, there is strength, compassion, and a shared journey towards a brighter tomorrow. It encourages us to recognize the threads that connect us, weaving a narrative of understanding, empathy, and collaboration. The beauty of oneness lies in its ability to dissolve divisions, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Embracing oneness is an invitation to celebrate our shared humanity, acknowledging that, together, we can create a symphony of positive change that resonates across the fabric of existence. With oneness in place, love only makes sense.
This includes the mind-boggling concepts of being: Objective, (Omni=All) Omniactive, Omniactual, Omnibenevolent, Omnicausal, Omnicompetent, Omnidirectional, Omnierudite, Omniessencial, Omnifarous, Omniferous, Omnific, Omniformal, Omnilingual, Omnilucent, Omnimental, Omniparental, Omnipatient, Omnipercipient, Omniperfect, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniprevalent, Omniproductive, Omniprudent, Omniregent, Omnirevealing, Omniscient, Omnisentient, Omnisignificant, Omnisufficient, Omnitemporal, Omnitonal, Omnivalent, Omnivisual, Open, Optimistic, Orbific, & Original
More difficult to comprehend is the "Oneness of Time" wherein when you evolve locally you evolve in your past lives as well.
Everything Good about Everything Good
"There is no way to be pointed out save [except] the 'I AM'
It is the birth of the spirit." - Edgar Cayce Reading 262-10
Divine Adjectives Divine Nouns