Apollonian adj. 1. Like the god Apollo.
2. Relating to the ordered seld-diciplined, and rational aspects of human nature.
"Apollonian" is an adjective derived from the name of the Greek god Apollo, who represents the ideals of reason, order, harmony, and beauty. In literature, philosophy, and art, "Apollonian" is used to describe qualities that are rational, serene, disciplined, and characterized by a sense of order and clarity. It is often contrasted with "Dionysian," which represents chaos, instinct, and emotion, drawing from the mythological figure of Dionysus.
In a more philosophical context, especially in the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, "Apollonian" is associated with the concept of control, structure, and the suppression of irrational desires, embodying the pursuit of harmony and intellectual clarity. It suggests the calm, rational, and ordered aspects of life and nature.
Positive Nouns that Describe People