Graphic Definition of Omni

Omni = All

Wisdom = Oneness

Wisdom            Omnism

The prefix omni- comes from the Latin word omnis, meaning "all" or "every." It is used to convey a sense of universality, wholeness, or inclusivity. When combined with other words, omni- indicates that something encompasses everything within a particular realm or is all-encompassing in nature.

For example, omnipresent refers to something that is present everywhere, omniscient means all-knowing, and omnipotent refers to being all-powerful. The prefix omni- helps to elevate the meaning of a word, suggesting that it extends across all boundaries and encompasses every aspect of a given concept.

In modern usage, omni- is often employed to describe qualities or characteristics that are universal, infinite, or without limitation, reflecting the vastness or completeness of something.

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Divine Nouns

Omni-boundless sky,
Endless stars above us shine,
All the world’s embrace.

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It is the birth of the spirit." - Edgar Cayce Reading 262-10


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