Graphic Definition of Selcouth

Selcouth adj. Strange and wondrous.

The word selcouth is an archaic term of Old English origin, deriving from selcud, meaning “strange” or “unusual.” It is closely related to the modern word self, as it originally referred to something that was “other” or “different” from the usual. Selcouth was used to describe things that were uncommon, extraordinary, or unfamiliar—often in a positive light, as something wonderfully strange or awe-inspiring. While selcouth fell out of common use over time, it carries a sense of marvel, drawing attention to the rare or extraordinary aspects of the world around us.

In its more poetic or literary use, selcouth can convey a sense of wonder at the unfamiliar. It suggests a beauty in the unfamiliar or a fascination with things that break away from the norm. Though the word may sound antiquated today, it encapsulates a concept that is still alive in our appreciation of the wondrous and remarkable. It is a word that celebrates what stands apart from the ordinary, invoking the awe that can arise from encountering something new, strange, or remarkable in life or nature.


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In selcouth skies, the stars align,
A world of wonder, so divine.
Unseen mysteries softly call,
In every cranny wonder’s thrall.


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