Nutrimental adj. Anything that nourishes or sustains the existence of life; nourishing.
"Nutrimental" is an adjective that comes from the Latin word nutrimentum, meaning "food" or "nourishment." It refers to something that provides nourishment or is related to nutrition. When something is described as nutrimental, it implies that it serves to sustain, support, or promote health, often by providing essential nutrients. The word can be used in both literal contexts, such as describing food or substances that contribute to bodily health, as well as in figurative senses, like ideas or experiences that nurture the mind or spirit.
In a biological or health-related context, nutrimental emphasizes the importance of nourishment, particularly the sustenance needed to support growth, energy, and overall well-being. It’s a word often used in discussions about diet, health, and nutrition, especially in more formal or scientific language.
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