Innoxious adj. Safe; not noxious.


"Innoxious" is an adjective derived from the Latin innoxius, meaning "harmless" or "inoffensive." It is used to describe something that does not cause harm, injury, or offense. When something is referred to as innoxious, it means it is safe, benign, and unlikely to provoke any negative consequences, whether physically, emotionally, or otherwise. It can describe anything from a gentle, non-threatening substance to a mild and inoffensive remark.

The word is often used to reassure that something is not dangerous or harmful in any way, emphasizing its harmless or benign nature. It is a somewhat formal or literary term, and while it's not commonly used in everyday conversation, it has a precise meaning that conveys the absence of risk or aggression.

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Positive Abstract Nouns

Innoxious words flow,
Gentle as morning rain,
No harm in their tone,
And friendship will remain.


The Positive Emotions

Positive Word of the Day

The Extraordinary Words
