Graphic Definition of Melioristic

Melioristic adj. Of the belief that: 1. The human condition can be improved through concerted effort. 

2. There's an inherent tendency toward progress or improvement in the human condition.

Personal noun: Meliorist           Abstract noun: Meliorism

The word melioristic comes from the Latin root melior, meaning "better," and it refers to the belief or inclination toward making things better or improving situations. It is often associated with the philosophy of meliorism, which asserts that the world can be improved through human effort and that progress is achievable, although it might not be inevitable. In essence, a melioristic viewpoint is one that holds a positive outlook on the potential for improvement and betterment, whether in society, the environment, or personal circumstances. Those who take a melioristic approach are generally focused on proactive change and the idea that through effort, better outcomes are possible.

Melioristic ideas are typically linked to activism, reform, and movements aimed at creating positive social or environmental changes. A melioristic person or mindset believes in the possibility of progress and tends to focus on solutions and ways to improve things, rather than being resigned to the status quo. This optimistic and forward-thinking perspective can drive innovation and inspire actions that aim to bring about positive change.

Positive Adjectives

Positive Nouns that Describe People

Positive Abstract Nouns

A world envisioned, melioristic and bright,
Guided by hope, through shadow to light.
With every small act, the future is spun,
With seeds that are sown, one by one.


The Positive Emotions

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"Follow your dreams and use your natural-born talents and skills to make this a better world for tomorrow."

- Paul Watson

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