Univocal adj. Meaning only one thing; unambiguous.
n. A word with only one meaning.
The word univocal is derived from the Latin univocus, meaning "having one meaning" or "of one voice." It refers to something that has only one possible interpretation, meaning it is clear, direct, and unambiguous. In many contexts, univocal describes language, statements, or terms that do not have multiple interpretations, leaving little room for confusion. For instance, in communication or logic, when a term or expression is univocal, it means that its meaning is fixed and singular across different uses or contexts. This quality makes the term useful in discussions that require precision and clarity, such as legal or academic settings, where ambiguity can lead to misunderstandings or disputes.
In contrast to terms that might be polysemous (having multiple meanings) or ambiguous, univocal ensures that the meaning is straightforward and consistent. This makes it a desirable quality in written or spoken communication when the goal is to convey an exact, clear message. In philosophy and theology, a univocal statement is one that has the same meaning across all instances, as opposed to being analogical, which can imply different shades of meaning depending on context. For example, in the context of religious texts, univocal language would mean that terms like "God" or "truth" are understood in exactly the same way without any symbolic or varied interpretations.
Positive Nouns that Describe People
With univocal light, we see,
The clarity of thoughts set free.
One clear voice, without disguise,
In truth’s pure form, no compromise.
Univocal truth,
Clear and distinct as daylight,
One meaning shines bright.