Graphic Definition of Veracious

Veracious adj. Represeinting or speaking the truth.

The word veracious is derived from the Latin verax, meaning "truthful" or "speaking the truth." It refers to someone or something that is habitually truthful, accurate, or precise. When used to describe a person, veracious implies that they are honest and reliable in their statements, consistently telling the truth. It can also apply to information or statements that are based on facts or reality, not misleading or false.

In a broader sense, veracious suggests a commitment to truth, often with a sense of unwavering honesty or integrity. It can be used in various contexts, from literature to discussions about character and behavior, always highlighting the importance of truthfulness and factual accuracy.


Positive Adjectives

Positive Nouns that Describe People

Positive Abstract Nouns

Veracious words flow,
Unfolding truth in clear light,
No shadow remains.


The Positive Emotions

Positive Word of the Day

"Truth is like the sun.

You can shut it out for a time,

but it ain't goin' away."

- Elvis Presley

The Extraordinary Words

Truth has consequences

whether Cause & Effect

or Karmic

it's essence is Godlike.
