Latitudinarian adj. 1. Of allowing latitude, notably in religion.
n. Of a person who is latitudinarian.
As an adjective, latitudinarian refers to a mindset or approach that is broad, tolerant, and flexible, particularly when it comes to beliefs or principles. It describes a person, attitude, or philosophy that is not strictly bound by conventional limits or doctrines but rather accepts or accommodates a variety of perspectives. Historically, the term has been most associated with religious thought, particularly those who advocated for more inclusive or lenient interpretations of doctrine, allowing for diversity in belief and practice.
A latitudinarian approach can be found in contexts beyond religion, such as in politics or social discussions, where openness and acceptance of diverse viewpoints are emphasized. The adjective implies a willingness to be broad-minded and to seek common ground, even when it comes to fundamentally different ideas.
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