Graphic Definition of Nocturne

Nocturne n. A musical composition inspired by, or evaocative of, the night. 

The Music of the Night


...Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour

Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender

Hearing is believing, music is deceiving

Hard as lightning, soft as candlelight

Dare you trust the music of the night...

- Andrew Lloyd Webber,

          The Phantom of the Opera


Night at Work by Genesis

In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins

Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven

Moon River (Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck)

Eine Kliene Nachtsmusik by Mozart (on banjo)

The Best Nocturnes by Chopin

Peaceful Night calming sleep music




The Good Book

Everything Good about Everything Good

"There is no way to be pointed out save [except] the 'I AM'

It is the birth of the spirit." - Edgar Cayce Reading 262-10


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