Graphic Definition of 'Afflated'

Afflated adj. Inspired; having inspirration.

The word afflated comes from the Latin afflatus, meaning "inspiration" or "a divine breath." It describes someone who is inspired, often in a profound or almost supernatural way, as if touched by a higher force. The term is frequently associated with artistic, poetic, or prophetic inspiration, where a person feels driven by an external or spiritual influence to create, speak, or act. To be afflated suggests a deep connection to intuition, creativity, or even a sense of destiny, as though an unseen power is guiding one's thoughts and actions.

Beyond religious or mystical contexts, afflated can also describe moments of intense creativity or sudden insight. Writers, musicians, and inventors might feel afflated when ideas seem to flow effortlessly, as if they are merely vessels for something greater. The word captures the essence of inspiration at its purest—when thought and action come together seamlessly, producing something extraordinary.


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The Good Book

Everything Good about Everything Good

"There is no way to be pointed out save [except] the 'I AM'

It is the birth of the spirit." - Edgar Cayce Reading 262-10


The Positive Emotions

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An afflated voice takes flight,
Words like fire, burning bright.
With breath of muses, bold and free,
It sings of fate and mystery.

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