Graphic Definition of Paciferous

Paciferous adj. Bringing peace.

The word paciferous is derived from the Latin pacifer, meaning "peace-bearing" or "bringing peace." The term is used to describe something or someone that brings about peace, calm, or tranquility. Paciferous conveys the idea of fostering peace, whether in a literal or metaphorical sense. It can describe actions, individuals, or even objects that have the power to soothe, reconcile, or pacify conflict.

Though not commonly used in modern speech, paciferous can still be applied in poetic or formal contexts to evoke the idea of peaceful influence. It can suggest a quality or force that mitigates strife and promotes harmony, whether it’s a peaceful gesture, a reconciliatory attitude, or a calming environment.


Positive Adjectives

Positive Nouns that Describe People

Positive Abstract Nouns

Accord, Agreement, Amity, Aplomb, Armistice, Assurance, Ataraxia, Ataraxis, Ataraxy, Atonement, At-oneness, Balance, Bed of Roses, Blessedness, Breeze, Calm, Calmness, Capacity, Chill, Clarity, Clearness, Collectedness, Comfort, Comity, Composedness, Composure, Concord, Concordance, Consonance, Constancy, Contemplation, Contentedness, Contentment, Coolheadedness, Coolness, Detachment, Dignity, Dispassion, Ease, Easiness, Easygoingness, Effortlessness, Enlightenment, Enough, Equability, Equanimity, Equilibrium, Evenness, Forbearance, Freedom, Fulfillment, Gentleness, Gladness, Goodwill, Gratification, Happiness, Harmony, Heart, Heartsease, Heaven, Humility, Impartiality, Imperturbability, Imperturbation, Indisturbance, Inexcitability, Insouciance, Juste-Milieu, Justice, Law & Order, Leisure, Leniency, Lenity, Levelheadedness, Liberty, Middle Way, Mildness, Moderateness, Moderation, Naturalness, Neutrality, Nirvana, Noiselessness, Nonaggression, Nonchalance, Nonviolence, Nothing in excess, Order, Orderliness, Paciferous, Pacifism, Paradise, Passiveness, Passivity, Patience, Peace and quiet, Peace of mind, Peace, Peaceableness, Peacefulness, Philosophicalness, Philosophy, Placidity, Placidness, Poise, Presence of mind, Quiescence, Quiescency, Quiet, Quietism, Quietness, Quietude, Relaxation, Relaxedness, Reliability, Relief, Repletion, Requiescence, Reserve, Rest, Restfulness, Sangfroid, Satiety, Satisfaction, Satori, Security, Sedateness, Self-assurance, Self-composedness, Self-control, Self-possession, Self-restraint, Sereneness, Serenity, Silence, Simplicity, Smoothness, Snugness, Sobriety, Soothingness, Soundlessness, Stability, Staidness, Steadiness, Stillness, Temperance, Temperateness, Tranquility, Tranquilness, Understanding, Unexcitability, Unflappability, Unison, Unity, Unreservedness, Unruffledness, Untroubledness, Wellbeing

Paciferous calm,
Winds that soothe the troubled soul,
Peace falls soft as dusk.


The Positive Emotions

Positive Word of the Day

"World peace

begins with

inner peace."

- Dalai Lama

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