Graphic Definition of Recherche

Recherche adj. Exotic; obscure; rare.

Romantic Version

The word recherche comes from the French rechercher, meaning "to search" or "to seek out." As an adjective, recherche refers to something that is carefully chosen, rare, or deliberately sought after—often implying that it is refined, sophisticated, or of high quality. It can be used to describe tastes, objects, or people that are considered elegant, unusual, or exquisite in a somewhat exclusive way.

In modern usage, recherche tends to be applied in contexts of luxury, high culture, or fine arts, where the object or subject is rarefied, often displaying an air of distinction or an uncommon appreciation for beauty or complexity. It evokes a sense of something that stands out for its selectiveness and unique character.

Romantic Adjectives

Romantic Nouns


Positive Adjectives

Positive Nouns that Describe People

Positive Abstract Nouns

Recherche desires,
Finely tuned to rare delights,
A rare beauty shines.


The Positive Emotions

Positive Word of the Day

The Extraordinary Words
