Graphic Definition of Yare

Yare adj. 1. Agile; lively.

2. Maneuverable; responsive. (nautical)

The word "yare" is an old term that has a couple of meanings depending on the context. In maritime usage, it refers to a ship or vessel being quick, agile, and responsive to the helm. A yare ship is one that handles easily, especially in changing or difficult conditions. The term conveys a sense of readiness and precision in maneuvering, which is essential for sailors navigating through turbulent waters or in tight spaces.

Outside of its nautical roots, yare has also come to be used more broadly in literature, sometimes with a poetic or archaic feel. It can describe a person or thing that is quick to respond or adaptable, someone who is alert or swift in action. In this sense, it's a word that evokes a sense of readiness and an ability to handle any situation with ease and grace. One might encounter yare in older texts or poetic works, where it adds a sense of elegance or historical depth to the description of events or characters.

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 With eyes that move and mind that’s clear,
She faces all, no doubt, no fear.
In every challenge, quick to spare,
A heart that's steady, soul that's yare.

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