The definition of 'Giving' as a noun or adjective

Giving n. Presenting, handing, donating, bestowing, conferring or administering a gift.

adj. Of one who is compassionate, loving, generous, selfless, liberal, largifical or munificent.

A focussed regard on 'Giving', as a thing, expands it and steps it back in perspective into BIG PICTURE 'Oneness'.

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Giving can also be one of the 'Gifts of the Spirit' similar to 'Knowledge, Wisdom, PSI ability and 'Faith enough to move mountains'. 

These come by way of the 'Fruits of the Spirit'

which are the personal application of The Universal Laws.


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Generosity is a hallmark of the human spirit, and those who embody the essence of "giving" radiate warmth and kindness. Their selfless acts enrich the lives of others, creating a ripple effect of positivity and gratitude. In their presence, on can't help but feel uplifted by their compassionate and altruistic nature.

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