Salvific adj. Leading to salvation.
"Salvific" is an adjective derived from the Latin word salvificus, meaning "bringing salvation" or "having the power to save." It is used to describe something that has the ability to save, redeem, or bring about spiritual or moral restoration. Often used in religious or theological contexts, "salvific" refers to actions, processes, or powers that lead to salvation, whether in the Christian sense of deliverance from sin and eternal life, or in broader contexts of rescuing or healing in both physical and spiritual realms.
The term can be used to describe divine grace, acts of mercy, or transformative actions that provide rescue or liberation, whether from sin, suffering, or distress. It conveys a sense of profound healing or deliverance, either on an individual or collective scale, offering a sense of hope, redemption, and renewal.
Positive Nouns that Describe People