Graphic Definition of Illecebrous

Illecebrous adj. Enticing; alluring; attractive.

The word illecebrous comes from the Latin illecebra, meaning "allurement" or "enticement," and refers to something that is seductive, enticing, or attractive in a way that draws someone in. It is used to describe something that has an alluring, captivating quality, often in a tempting or irresistible manner. Illecebrous can be used to characterize both physical objects and abstract qualities, such as a person’s charm or a situation that has an enticing allure.

In literature, illecebrous might be employed to describe a scene, person, or idea that captivates the senses or emotions, drawing others into its sphere through charm or attraction. The term often carries a slight hint of danger or subtle manipulation, as the allure it describes can be enticing yet potentially deceptive.

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Illecebrous gaze,
Binds the heart in silken threads,
Desire calls one close.


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