Graphic Definition of 'Au Fait'

Au fait adj. Experienced, proficient, or familiar with something.

"Au fait" is a French phrase that means "well-informed" or "knowledgeable about something." It is used to describe someone who is familiar with, skilled in, or fully aware of a particular subject or situation. The phrase comes from the French au (meaning "at") and fait (meaning "fact" or "done"), and when used in English, it conveys the sense that someone is adept or expert in a given area.

The term "au fait" is often used in more formal or sophisticated contexts to indicate a high level of competence or understanding. It implies that a person is not only knowledgeable but also up to date on the latest developments in that particular field, making them especially capable of offering insightful or informed opinions.

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Au fait with the world,
He speaks with calm and assured grace,
Each answer that he gives,
Is rife with wisdom's measured pace.


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