Graphic Definiton of Staid

Staid adj. 1. Of sedateness often with strait-laced propriety.

2. Permanent; fixed; set.

"Staid" is an adjective that describes someone or something that is characterized by a serious, steady, and often reserved demeanor. It is derived from the verb staid, which means to remain or stay in a particular state or condition. When someone is described as "staid," it typically implies that they are sober, unflappable, and perhaps a bit old-fashioned or conventional in their behavior. They are the opposite of exuberant or carefree, often adhering to a more formal or disciplined manner.

The word "staid" can also describe things, such as environments or institutions, that are dignified, serious, and perhaps lacking in playfulness or excitement. It tends to have a slightly conservative tone, implying respectability but also a lack of spontaneity or excitement.


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The staid old oak,

Stands in quiet, timeless grace,
Its branches stretch out wide,
Calming more this stillness place.


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