Graphic Definition of Pracitcable

Practicable adj. 1. Possible; capable of being put into practice or done.

2. Usable for a particular purpose.

The word practicable is derived from the Latin practicabilis, meaning "that can be practiced" or "feasible." It refers to something that is capable of being done, executed, or achieved, especially in a practical or realistic manner. Practicable is often used in contexts where the feasibility or suitability of a task, plan, or idea is being evaluated. It highlights whether something can be put into action, considering the conditions, resources, and constraints involved. For instance, a practicable solution to a problem is one that can be realistically implemented, taking into account the available tools and circumstances.

In addition to its use in problem-solving and decision-making, practicable can describe physical spaces or paths that are navigable or usable. For example, a road or trail might be considered practicable if it is in good condition and suitable for travel. The term often implies that something is not just theoretically possible but also achievable and effective in real-world situations, whether in a technical, practical, or even social sense.

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A task approached, is it practicable still?
The slope once steep now bends to our will.
With effort and care, we bridge the divide,
Taking the difficult path in stride.


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