Graphic Definition of 'Adonis'

Adonic adj. Like Adonis; handsome

"Adonic" comes from the name of the Greek mythological figure Adonis, who was known for his exceptional beauty. In its modern usage, the word "Adonic" typically refers to a man who is extraordinarily handsome or possesses a striking physical appearance, often with an emphasis on youthful, idealized beauty. The term conveys a sense of perfection, often bordering on the divine, and can be used to describe someone whose looks are both captivating and enviable.

In literature or art, "Adonic" might be used to describe characters who embody physical beauty to such an extent that it becomes central to their identity or their allure. It may also imply a kind of tragic beauty, as the myth of Adonis also involves themes of love and death. When something is described as "Adonic," it evokes an image of perfection—often in a way that is almost too flawless to be real, as if the beauty is otherworldly or fated to be admired.

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 His gaze, soft and deep,
Adonic grace in each step,
Eyes like stars that shine.


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