Graphic Definition of Alacritous 

Alacritous adj. Brisk; eager; lively; quick

"Alacritous" is an adjective that comes from the Latin word alacritas, meaning "eagerness" or "readiness." It is used to describe someone or something that shows quickness, eagerness, and enthusiasm, particularly in response to an action or task. When someone is described as "alacritous," it means they are swift, willing, and prompt in doing something, often with a sense of energy and cheerfulness.

The word conveys a sense of readiness, not just in terms of physical speed, but also in terms of willingness and eagerness to act. It’s often used to describe a person’s attitude or a response to a request or task, highlighting both speed and enthusiasm.

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Everything Good about Everything Good

With alacritous zeal, they rise with the sun,
Eager steps taken, the day has begun.
In every endeavor, with joy they pursue,
Life's vibrant moments, each one of them new.


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