Graphic Definition of Salubrious

Salubrious adj. Healthy; favourable to health.

n. Salubriousness, Salubrity

The word salubrious comes from the Latin salubris, meaning "healthful" or "promoting good health." It refers to something that contributes to well-being, physical health, or mental clarity. Salubrious is often used to describe environments, climates, or habits that are conducive to health and vitality, promoting a sense of balance and wellness.

In modern contexts, the term might describe a location with fresh air, good weather, or a positive atmosphere. It can also be applied to food, practices, or lifestyles that are beneficial to overall health. The word carries a sense of vitality, well-being, and nourishment, often evoking the idea of a wholesome and beneficial influence on life.

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Salubrious breeze,
Whispers of health on soft air,
Nature's calm embrace.

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