
Romantic Adjectives

There are endless ways to say "i love you" and these are among the best...

Perfect for Valentine's Day

Yours since 2013

A. Abiding, Abloom, Accordant, Admirable, Admired, Adonic, Adorable, Adored, Adoring, Adventuresome, Ae, Affectionate, Afflated, Afflating, Ageless, Agile, Alacritous, Alaudine, All heart, All systems go, Alluring, Amaranthine, Amazing, Ambrosial/Ambrosian, Amorous, Ample, Angelic, Aperitive, Appetent, Apollonian, Appealing, Appetizing, Ardent, Arousing, Arresting, Astral, Attentive, Attracted, Attractive, Atypical, Auroral, Auspicious, Available, Avid, Awesome

B. Beaming, Beamish, Beauteous, Beautiful, Becoming, Bedazzling, Beloved, Besotted, Best, Best-loved, Bewitching, Beyond compare, Blossomed, Blossoming, Blooming, Bodacious, Bonny, Bonzer, Brazen, Breathtaking, Brilliant, Buccal, Budding, Buff, Buoyant

The Perfect Gift

A Romantic Word Resource and much More

More love than most can imagine

C. Candescent, Canoodling, Canorous, Canty/Cantier/Cantiest, Captivating, Cared for, Caring, Celestial, Charmed, Charming, Cherishable, Cherished, Cherry, Choice, Choicest, Chosen, Classy, Clear-eyed, Cock-a-hoop, Coequal, Columbine, Come-at-able, Comely, Comforting, Companionable, Compassionate, Compatible, Compelling, Commutual, Confelicitous, Conjugate, Consensual, Consentaneous, Consentient, Convivial, Copacetic, Coquettish, Coruscant, Cosmic, Courtly, Couthie, Cozy, Coy, Crazy about, Creamy, Crepuscular, Cuddly, Curvaceous, Curvy, Cute


D. Dapatical, Dapper, Darling, Dashing, Dazzling, Dear, Dearest, Debonair, Delicate, Delectable, Delicious, Delightful, Demulcent, Desirable, Desired, Devoted, Dewy, Disarming, Divine, Doted on, Doting, Dovelike, Dreamy, Dulcet, Dynamite

E. Eager, Easygoing, Easy to approach, Easy to talk to, Effervescent, Effulgent, Elated, Elating, Electric, Electrifying, Elegant, Eligible, Empyreal, Empyrean, Enamoured, Enamouring, Enchanted, Enchanting, Endeared, Endearing, Endowed, Energizing, Engaging, Enjoyable, Enjoyed, Enlivened, Enlivening, Enough, Enrapturing, Enriching, Enthralling, Enticed, Enticing, Entrancing, Epic, Epigamic, Equable, Equal, Equiparent, Equipollent, Erogenized, Euphonious, Evocative, Exceptional, Exciting, Exhilarating, Exquisite, Exotic, Extraordinary, Eyesome, Eye-catching

F. Fab, Fabulous, Fair, Faithful, Fantastic, Fantabulous, Fascinating, Favoured, Favourite, Feateous, Feelgood, Feline, Feminine, Fetching, Fiery, Filled, Fine, Finer, Finest, First-class, Five-star, Flavourful, Flavoursome, Flawless, Flexible, Flirtatious, Flirty, Forbearing, Fond, Foxy, Frabjous, Fragrant, Fresh, Friendly, Frisky, Frolicsome, Fulfilling, Fulgent, Full, Fun, Funny

G. Gallant, Game, Gamesome, Generous, Gentle, Gentlemanly, Genuine, Giving, Glabrous, Glamorous, Gleaming, Glistening, Glowing, Gnarly, Golden, Good, Goodhearted, Good-humoured, Good-looking, Gorgeous, Graceful, Gracile, Gracious, Gradely, Gratifying, Gymnastic    

Good grammar grants genuine graces. Genial gossip is generalization that generates genuine good-hearted gestures. Grammatical growth is generous, gleeful, good-natured, gracious, and gratifying . Growing grammar gallantly gives geniality grace and gains general gratification glorifying God's great game.

For more words that describe a person, and start with a particular letter, try Positive Nouns.

H. Handsome, Harmonious, Haunting, Heartfelt, Heart-stopping, Heartwarming, Heavenly, High-class, High quality, High-spirited, Honeyed, Honourable, Honoured, Hot, Huggy, Huggable, Hunky, Hypnotic

I. Ideal, Illecebrous, Illimitable, Immeasurable, Impassioned, Impeccable, Impish, Impressive, Incandescent, Incomparable, Indomitable, Inebriating, Ineffable, Infatuated, Infatuating, In fine fettle (good spirits), Infinite, Inimitable, In my heart, Inseparable, Inspiriting, Intemerate, Intense, Interconnected, Interesting, Intertwined, In the now, Intimate, Intoxicating, Intriguing, Invigorating, Inviting, Irrepressible, Irresistible

I love your Isness!

J. Jimp, Joyful, Joyous, Joysome, Junoesque, Just right


K. Kind, Kind-hearted, Kissable

L. Ladylike, Laudable, Lepid, Liberating, Liefly, Likable, Liked, Like-minded, Light, Limber, Limpid, Lissome, Lithe, Lithesome, Lovable, Loved, Lovely, Lovesick, Lovestruck, Loving, Loyal, Lush, Lusory,

Positive Words That Describe Men

Mad about, Magical, Magnetic, Magnificent, Major League, Manly, Mannerly, Marmoreal, Marmorean, Masculine, Massagable, Matchless, Maximal, Mellifluous, Melliloquent, Mellisonant, Memorable, Mesmerizing, Miraculous, Mirthful, Mischievous, Moonstruck, Most excellent, Moving, Muliebral/Muliebrile/Muliebrous, Multidimensional, Muscular, Mutual


N. Natty, Natural, Near to one's heart, Necessary, Needed, Never-failing, Nice, Nifty, Nimble, Noctiflorous, Nonpareil, Nourishing, Nubigenous, Nubile, Number one, Numero uno, Nutty about, Nuts over

O. Obliging, Olymian, One and only, Oneiric, Open, Open-hearted, Open-minded, Optimal, Optimum, Original, Orphean, Oscular, Out-of-sight, Out-of-this-world, Outstanding, Overflowing, Overjoying

Va-va-voom & Ooo-la-la!

P. Paradisiacal, Participative, Participatory, Passionate, Peachy, Peach-like, Peachy keen, Perky, Partial, Perfect, Peregal, Personable, Personal, Pert, Petite, Phenomabomb (slang), Phenomenal, Picked, Picturesque, Pierian, Pillowy, Piquant, Playful, Pleasant, Pleasing, Pleasurable, Plum, Plummy, Poetic, Polite, Porcelain, Positive, Pouty, Precious, Preferred, Prefulgent, Premium, Prepossessing, Pretty, Priceless, Primal, Prime, Principled, Profulgent, Provocative, Prized, Prize-winning, Promising, Pulchritudinous, Pukka, Pure


Q. Qualitative, Quality, Quintessential, Quixotic

R. Rad, Radiant, Rapturous, Rare, Rascally, Rathe, Ravishing, Receptive, Recherche', Recipient, Reciprocal, Redolent, Refreshing, Refulgent, Rejuvenating, Relaxing, Reliable, Relished, Remarkable, Respectable, Respected, Restorative, Revitalizing, Rewarding, Rhapsodic, Right on, Robust, Rollicking, Romantic, Rosy, Roused, Rousing


S. Sanguine, Sassy, Saucy, Satiny, Savoury, Scented, Scintillant, Scintillated, Scintillating, Scintillescent, Scrumptious, Second-to-none, Select, Selected, Sensate, Sensational, Sensual, Sentimental, Shapely, Shimmering, Shining, Shiny-eyed, Shipshape, Sightly, Silken, Silky, Sincere, Sinewy, Sinuous, Sleek, Smashing, Smiling, Smitten, Smooth, Snazzy, Snugly, Soft, Solacious, Solid gold, Something else, Sonsy, Sought, Sparkling, Special, Spectacular, Spellbinding, Spicy, Spiffy, Spirited, Spiritual, Splendiferous, Sponsal, Sprightly, Spunky, Statuesque, Stellar, Sterling, Sthenic, Stimulating, Stimulative, Stimulatory, Stirring, Strapping, Stunning, Striking, Stylish, Suave, Suaveolent, Suaviloquent, Sublime, Sufficient, Suitable, Suited, Sunny, Super, Super-angelic, Superb, Super-duper, Super-excellent, Superior, Superlative, Supernal, Supple, Supported, Supporting, Supportive, Supreme, Surpassing, Svelte, Swaying, Sweet, Sweet-smelling, Swell, Sybaritic, Synergistic

T. Tantalizing, Tasty, Teasing, Tempean, Temperate, Tempting, Tender, Terrific, There, Thoughtful, Thrilling, Ticklish, Tip-top, Toothsome, Totally-tubular, Top drawer, Tops, Touching, Transcendent, Transnormal, Transporting, Treasurable, Treasured, Tremendous, Trim, True, True-blue, Trusted, Trustworthy, Trusty, Twenty-four carat, Twitterpated, Twitterpating, Tympanic

If I could change the alphabet I'd put U and I together.


U. Uncommon, Unconditionally loving, Unencumbered, Unequalled, Unfettered, Unified, Unifying, Unique, Unisonous/Unisonal/Unisonant, United, Uniting, Unlimited, Unparalleled, Unrivalled, Unsurpassed, Unusual, Unwithdrawing, Upbuilding, Up front, Uplifting, Uxorial

The original meaning of Valentine

V. Valuable, Valued, Vegete, Velvety, Venerated, Venust, Vespertine, Vibrant, Vigorous, Virile, Vital, Vitalizing, Vitative, Vivacious, Vivifying

Va-va-voom & Ooo-la-la!

W. Wanted, Warm, Warm-hearted, Welcome, Welcoming, Well-built, Well-liked, Well-made, Well-proportioned, Well-received, Well-suited, Wild, Wild about, Whimsical, Whiz-bang, Wholehearted, Willing, Winning, Winsome, With it, Without equal, Womanly, Wonderful, Wondrous, World class, Worthy   


Y. Yummy

Z. Zazzy, Zestful, Zesty and Zoetic

Romantic Nouns

All the Love in the World  (incl. "I Love You" in every language)

Knock-knock!            Great Love Poetry

The Cuddly Chronicles            Unlimited Love

Words to say Thank-you


There are Many More Personal Adjectives that could be romantic to the person who it befits.

Positive Nouns that Describe a Person...                   ...and how they do things.

Seasonal Vocabulary

Horrible Halloween Vocabulary  (Expires Oct. 31st @ midnight) 

Thanksgiving Adjectives

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Happy New Year!


Happy Birthday Adjectives!

Summer Vocabulary

Mother's Day

Father's Day

Find positive Autumnal words in Thanksgiving, Winter words in Christmasand Spring words in the Easter list.


The Extraordinay Words

Positive Links            Funny Definitions
