Graphic definition of Cohorative

Cohortative, Cohoratory adj. Mutually encouraging ex. "Let's..."

n. Cohort

A cohortative mood expresses a speaker's wish, desire, or invitation for someone else to join in an action. It is often found in languages to express encouragement, persuasion, or enthusiasm towards a particular course of action. For example, "Let's go!" or "May we succeed!" The term "cohortative" is typically used in the context of linguistic analysis or grammar studies to describe this specific mood or form. Whether in formal settings or casual conversations, using this mood helps create a sense of shared purpose and teamwork.

Positive Adjectives

Positive Nouns that Describe People

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"...I couldn't love my cohorts... ...more. I just adore them, and any opportunity to be in a room with them is just a kick in the pants; I love it."       - Janet Varney

The Positive Emotions

 Positive Word of the Day


Hear the cohort's voice,
“Let’s journey through the unknown”—
Unity in choice.


If you don't feel like being "Cohortative" today choose one-to-three of the following instead:

Amiable, Ameliorative, Amused, Amusing, Ascendant, Auspicious, Beatific, Blissful, Blythe, Blithesome, Boisterous, Bonzer, Brilliant, Buoyant, Carefree, Celebratory, Cheerful, Cheery, Childlike, Chuffed, Chipper, Cock-a-hoop, Coltish, Confelicitous, Content, Contented, Couthie, Crackerjack, Dapatical, Delightful, Delighted, Diverted, Droll, Easygoing, Effulgent, Elated, Enjoyable, Eudaemonistic, Euphoric, Excelsior, Exhilarated, Exuberant, Fain, Fantastic, Festal, Festive, Frabjous, Free, Frolicsome, Fulgent, Fun, Gelastic, Gelogenic, Glad, Gleeful, Good, Good-humoured, Good-natured, Grateful, Gratified, Happy, Happy-go-lucky, Harmonic/Harmonious, Heartsome, Humorous, Hunky-dory, In a good mood, In good spirits, Insouciant, Jiggish, Jocose, Jocoserious, Jocular, Jolif, Jolly, Jovial, Joyful, Joyous, Jubilant, Lepid, Liefly, Light, Light-hearted, Lively, Ludibund, Ludic, Lusory, Mabsoot, Merry, Mirthful, Optimistic, Overjoyed, Panglossian, Peppy, Perky, Playful, Pleasant, Pleased, Positive, Profulgent, Radiant, Rejuvenated, Rejuvenescent, Relaxed, Reviviscent, Rhapsodic, Risible, Rollicking, Sanguine, Satisfied, Shining, Slamin', Sportive, Sprightly, Sunny, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Thrilled, Thrilling, Tickled, Twitterpated, Uber, Upbeat, Upbuilding, Uplifted, Uplifting, Vegete, Vibrant, Vitative, Vivacious, Waggish, Weleful, Welsome, Whimsical, Wonderful, Zoetic


Positive Abstract Nouns
