Graphic Definition of Perdurable

Perdurable adj. Extremely durable; permanent.

The word "perdurable" comes from the Latin "perdurabilis," which means enduring or lasting for an extended period. It is often used to describe things that are remarkably durable and resistant to decay or wear. Perdurable objects, ideas, or qualities stand the test of time, remaining steadfast and resilient despite the challenges they may face. This term emphasizes the ability to persist and endure through various circumstances, highlighting the strength and longevity of the subject in question.

In a metaphorical sense, "perdurable" can also refer to attributes or values that are timeless and unwavering. For instance, love, truth, and integrity can be seen as perdurable virtues that maintain their significance and importance across generations. The concept of being perdurable reminds us of the enduring nature of certain aspects of life and encourages us to seek out and cherish those elements that have lasting value.

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Positive Abstract Nouns

Perdurable strength,
 Enduring through time's passage,
Unyielding resolve.


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