A  Comprehensive List of Positive Words

with which to Say


for a meal, event, a gift, or anything

Yours since 2017

A template for the perfect personally worded thank-you note.

Words Directly Related to Food Are In Red

See a seperate page for just food and drink words

"I'm writing in order to..." (verb)

Applaud, Articulate, Celebrate, Commend, Compliment, Convey, Exalt, Express, Impart, Laud, Let you know, Pass along, Relate, State, Voice

your... (adjective)

Alacritous, Appreciative, Approbative, Earnest, Enthusiastic, Friendly, Genuine, Grateful, Great, Heartfelt, Loving, Respectful, Sincere, True, Whole-hearted


Applause, Appreciation, Approbation, Commendation, EncomiumGratitude, Gratefulness, Gramercy, Happiness, Kudos, Love, Joy, Ovation, Regards, Reverential regard, Salute, Thanks, Thank-you, Thumbs-up, Tribute

Many Tanks

No other way doorway

The Ulimate Resourse of things to be Thankful For


For your benefactor's...

A-1, A-one, Abounding, Abundant, Acclaimed, Accommodating, Accommodative, Accomplished, Accordant, Acuminate/Acuminous, Adept, Admirable, Admired, Adroit, Adventuresome, Adventurous, Aesthetic/Aesthetical, Affable, Affined, Afflated, Afflating, Aged, Agreeable, Airy, Alacritous, Alfresco, Alimental/Alimentary, All there, Alluring, Amative, Amatory, Amazing, Ambrosial/Ambrosian, Amenable, Amiable, Amicable, Ample, Amoroso, Amusing, Anamnestic, Aplenty, Appealing, Aperitive*, Appetizing, Applauded, Appreciated, Appreciative, Approbative, Aromatic, Artful, Articulate, Artisanal, Artistic, Ascendant, At ease, At hand, At leisure, At one's disposal, At the ready, Attentive, Attractive, Auspicious, Authentic, Avant-garde, Awaited, Awesome

Beautified, Beautiful, Becoming, Bee's knees, Benevolent, Best, Best-loved, Better, Better-than-before, Bewitching, Beyond compare, Big, Biggest, Big-hearted, Bijou, Blissful, Blithe, Blithesome, Blooming, Blossoming, Blue-ribbon, Bodacious, Boisterous, Bold, Boffo, Bonzer, Boss, Bounteous, Bountiful, Breathtaking, Bright, Brill, Brilliant, Brimming, Bubbly, Buoyant, Bursting, Bustling, Buttery

Calm, Calmative, Calming, Candescent, Canty/Cantier/Cantiest, Capital, Captivating, Cared for, Carefree, Careful, Caring, Casual, Celebrated, Celebratory, Champion, Charmed, Charming, Cheerful, Cherished, Cherishing, Cherry, Chic, Chipper, Chirpy, Chirpiest, Chivalrous, Chocolatey, Choice, Choicest, Chummy, Citrusy, Civil, Civilized, Classic, Classical, Classy, Clean, Clear, Cohortative, Collaborative, Colourful, Comfortable, Comforting, Commanding, Commendable, Commendatory, Commodious, Commutual, Companionable, Compassionate, Compatible, Compelling,  Complaisant, Complete, Composed, Comprehensive, Conceptual, Concordant, Confelicitous, Conferrable, Congenial, Conscientious, Considerable, Considerate, Contemporary, Content, Convenient, Conversant, Convivial, Cool, Coordinated, Copacetic, Copious, Cordial, Corking, Coruscant, Cosmopolitan, Cosy, Courteous, Courtly, Couthie, Cozy, Crack, Crackerjack, Creamy, Creative, Crisp, Crowd-pleasing, Cultivated, Cultured, Curative, Cute, Cutting-edge, Crunchy

Dainty, Dandy, Dapatical, Dapper, Daring, Darling, Dashing, Dazzling, Dear, Dearest, Debonair, Decent, Decorous, Delectable, Delicate, Delicious, Delighted, Delightful, Delish, Deluxe, Deserving, Designer, Desirable, Desired, Desirous, Dignified, Disarming, Discerning, Disciplined, Discreet, Discrete, Distinctive, Distinguished, Diverse, Diverting, Divine, Doted on, Doting, Doxological, Droll, Ducky, Dulcet, Dynamic, Dynamite  

Easygoing, Easy to talk to, Easy to understand, Ebullient, Effervescent, Effortless, Effulgent, Elated, Elating, Electric, Electrifying, Elegant, Elevating, Eloquent, Empyreal, Enamouring, Enchanted, Enchanting, Endearing, Energetic, Energizing, Engaging, Engrossing, Enjoyable, Enjoyed, Enlightening, Enlivened, Enlivening, Enriching, Entertaining, Enthralling, Enthusiastic, Enticed, Enticing, Entranced, Entrancing, Epic, Epicurean, Esthetic/Esthetical, Eudaemonistic/Eudaemonistical, Eupeptic, Euphonious, Euphoric, Eventful, Evocative, Exceeding, Excellent, Excelling, Exceptional, Excited, Exciting, Exemplary, Exhilarated, Exhilarating, Exhortative/Exhortatory, Expansive, Expert, Expressive, Exquisite, Exotic, Extra-, Extraordinaire, Extraordinary, Exuberant, Eye-catching

Fab, Fabulous, Familial, Familiar, Family, Fancy, Fancy-free, Fanciful, Fantabulous, Fantastic, Far-out, Fascinating, Fashionable, Favourite, Feateous, Feelgood, Felicitous, Feracious, Festal, Festive, Filled, Filling, Fine, Finer, Finest, Finger-licking, First-class, First-order, First-rate, Fitting, Five-star, Flaky, Flamboyant, Flashy, Flavoured, Flavourful, Flavoursome, Flawless, Flourishing, Flowing, Fluent, Fly (chiefly British), Fond, Foremost, Foresighted, Formal, Fortuitous, Fortunate, Forward-thinking, Four-star, Frabjous, Fraternal, Freethinking, Fresh, Friendly, Frolicsome, Front-page, Fruity, Fulfilling, Fulgent, Full, Full-bodied, Fun


Galore, Gamesome, Gastronomic, Gay, Gelastic, Gelogenic, Generous, Genial, Genteel, Gentle, Gentlemanly, Genuine, Gifted, Giving, Glad, Glazed, Glamorous, Gleaming, Gleeful, Glistening, Glorious, Glowing, Golden, Good, Goodhearted, Good-feeling, Good-humoured, Goodly, Good-natured, Gorgeous, Gourmet, Graced, Graceful, Gracious, Gradely, Grand, Grateful, Gratified, Gratifying, Great, Greatest, Greathearted, Gregarious, Groovy, Gruntled, Gumptious, Gustatory

A New Book for a New Time

A New Book for a New Time

Hale, Handsome, Happening, Happy, Happy-go-lucky, Harmonic, Harmonious, Healthful, Healthy, Heartfelt, Heart-to-heart, Heartsome, Heartwarming, Hearty, Heavenly, Henotic, Helpful, Hep, Heralded, Herbal, High Calibre, High-class, High-quality, High-spirited, Highest, Highly regarded, Highly valued, Hilarious, Honeyed, Hortative/Hortatory, Hospitable, Hot, Humorous


Happy Birthday Alternatives

Ideal, Illecebrous, Illuminating, Illustrious, Imaginative, Imitable, Immaculate, Immarcescible, Immeasurable, Immediate, Immense, Immortal, Immune, Impartial, Impassioned, Impavid, Impeccable, Imperturbable, Impish, Important, Impressive, Improved, Improvisational, In, In 7th Heaven, Incandescent, Inclusive, Incomparable, Incredible, In demand, Inebriating, Ineffable, Infatuating, In fine fettle (good spirits), Infused, Inimitable, Innovative, In love, In seventh Heaven, Insouciant, Inspired, Inspiring, Inspirited, Inspiriting, Interconnective, Intellectual, Intelligent, Interactive, Interesting, In the groove, In the swim, Intoxicating, Intrigued, Intriguing, Invigorated, Invigorating, Inviting, In vogue, Irenic, Irresistible

Jam-packed, Jaunty, Jazzy, Jestful, Jiggish, Jocose, Jocoserious, Jocular, Joculatory, Jocund, Jolif, Jolly, Jovial, Joyful, Joyous, Joysome, Jubilant, Juicy, Just right

Keen, Kind, Kind-hearted, Kindly, Kindred, Kingly, Knightly, Knowledgeable, Kooky

Ladylike, Laid-back, Lambent, Largifical, Lasting, Laudable, Laudatory, Lautitious, Lavish, Lean, Legendary, Liefly, Leisurely, Lepid, Liberal, Liberating, Light, Lightening, Likable, Liked, Like-minded, Lip-smacking, Lively, Lovable, Loved, Lovely, Loving, Luculent, LudibundLudic, Luminous,  Luscious, Lush, Lustrous, Lusory, Luxuriant, Luxurious

Magical, Magnanimous, Magnetic, Magnificent, Majestic, Malty, Mannerly, Marinated, Marvellous, Mashed, Masterful, Masterly, Matchless, Maximal, Maximum, Meaningful, Measured, Meaty, Meet, Mellifluous, MelliloquentMellisonant, Mellow, Melodious, Memorable, Meritable, Meritorious, Merry, Mesmerizing, Meticulous, Mild, Mind-blowing, Mindful, Minty, Mirthful, Modern, Modernistic, Moist, Momentous, More, Morish, Most Excellent, Mouthwatering, Moving, Multidimensional, Musical

Positive Nouns that Describe People

Natty, Near to one's heart, Neat, Nectarous, Neighbourly, NeotericNice, Nifty, Nitid, Nonpareil, Notable, Noteworthy, Nourished, Nourishing, Novel, Nurturing, Nutrimental, Nutritional, Nutritious, Nummy, Nutty

What Foods These Morsels Be!

Obliging, Oenophilic/Enophilic, Olympian, On, On Cloud Nine, On the ball, On the beam, Open-handed, Open-hearted, Open-minded, Optimal, Optimum, Opulent, Organized, Original, Ornamental, Outgoing, Out-of-sight, Out-of-this-world, Outstanding, Over-flowing, Overjoyed,

Pabulous, Palatable, Pally, Par excellence, Paradisaic, Paradisal, Paradisiacal, Peaceful, Peachy, Peachy keen, Peak, Peerless, Peppy, Perceptual, Perfect, Perfective, Perky, Personable, Phenomenal, Philoxenial, Picturesque, Piquant, Playful, Pleasant, Pleased, Pleasing, Pleasurable, Plenteous, Plentiful, Plum, Plummy, Pluperfect, Polished, Polite, Popular, Posh, Positive, Praised, Praiseworthy, Precious, Preferable, Preferred, Prefulgent, Premier, Premium, Prepared, Prepossessing, Prescious, Pretty, Priceless, Primal, Primary, Prime, Primed, Primo, Princely, Pristine, Privileged, Prized, Prize-winning, Procinct, Prodigious, Proficient, Profulgent, Prolific, Proper, Propitious, Prosperous, Provocative, Proud, Pukka, Pure, Purposeful

Quenched, Quenching

Rad, Radiant, Rapturous, Ravishing, Readied, Ready, Recherche', Receptive, Recommendable, Recuperative, Red-carpet, Redolent, Refined, Refreshing, Refulgent, Regal, Regnant, Rejuvenating, Rejuvenescent, Relaxed, Relaxing, Relieving, Relished, Relishing, Remarkable, Renascent, Renewing, Replete, Resourceful, Respectable, Respectful, Resplendent, Restful, Restorative, Revitalized, Revitalizing, Reviviscent, Revivifying, Rhapsodic, Riant, Rich, Rident, Ridibund, Right neighbourly, Rip-snorting, Risible, Risorial, Robust, Rollicking, Rosy, Rousing, Rutilant

Salubrious, Salted, Sapid, Saporific/Saporous, Satisfied, Satisfying, Saucy, Savoury, Scintillant, Scintillating, Scintillescent, Scrumptious, Seasoned, Second-to-none, Selcouth, Sensate, Sensational, Sentimental, Serene, Shining, Silky, Slaked, Slaking, Smart, Sensational, Smiling, Smooth, Snazzy, Snappy, Soaring, Sociable, Social, Societal, Soigne, Sophisticated, Spanking, Sparkling, Special, Spectacular, Spicy, Spirited, Splendid, Splendiferous, Splendorous, Spruce, Stellar, Sterling, Stimulating, Stimulative, Stimulatory, Striking, Strong, Stupendous, Stylish, Suave, Suaveolent, Sublime, Substantial, Successful, Succulent, Sugary, Sumptuous, Sunny, Super, Superabundant, Superb, Super-civilized, Superior, Superlative, Surpassing, Swank, Sweet, Sweet-smelling, Sweet-tasting, Sybaritic

Talented, Tangible, Tangy, Tantalizing, Tasteful, Tasty, Tempestive, Tempting, Tender, Tender-hearted, Terrific, Thankful, Thankworthy, Thorough, Thoughtful, Thrilled, Thrilling, Tickety-Boo, Tickled, Tidy, Tight, Timeless, Tip-top, Tireless, Titillating, Titivated, Tonic, Toothsome, Top, Top drawer, Top-notch, Tops, Totally-tubular, To the max, Touching, Touted, Tranquil, Transcendent, Transporting, Treasurable, Treasured, Tremendous, Trim, Triumphant 

Unassuming, Unbeatable, Uncompromising, Unconditionally Loving, Understanding, Unequalled, Unfailing, Unforgettable, Unparalleled, Unrivalled, Unselfish, Unsurpassed, Untiring, Unwithdrawing, Upbeat, Upbuilding, Uplifted, Uplifting, Up to snuff, Uptown, Urbane, Usable, Utile Dulci, Utmost, Utopian, Utopic 

Valued, Vegetarian, Vegete, Velvety, Vibrant, VitalizingVitative, Vivacious, Vivid, Vivifying, Vogue

Waggish, Wanted, Warm, Warm-hearted, Welcome, Welcomed, Welcoming, Weleful, Well-arranged, Well-built, Well-disposed, Well-done, Well-liked, Well-made, Well-planned, Well-received, Well-suited, Well-timed, Welsome, Whimsical, Whipped, Whiz-bang, Wholehearted, Wholesome, Winning, Winsome, With it, Without equal, Without limit, Witty, Wizardly, Wonderful, Wonderstruck, Wonder-working, Wondrous, World class, Worthwhile, Worthy

Xenial, Xenodocial


Zany, Zazzy, Zestful, Zesty, Zero cool, Zingy, Zoetic


Abidingness, Ability, Abundance, Acceptance, Accommodation, Accord, Adroitness, Adventure, Aesthetic, Afflatus, Affability, Affection, Affinity, Agreeability, Agreeableness,  Aliveness, Alleviation, Allure, Amativeness, Ambrosia, Amelioration, Amenity, Amiability, Amiableness, Amicability, Amity, Amore, Amour-propre, Aperitif, Appeal, Appetence, Appetizer, Aptness, Artistry, Attentiveness, Auspiciousness, Authenticity, Awesomeness  


Badinage, Balance, Bash, Beauty, Bee's Knees, Benefaction, Beneficence, Benevolence, Benevolentness, Benison, Bigheartedness, Blessedness, Blessing,  Blissfulness, Blitheness, Blithesomeness, Bonhomie, Bonniness, Boost, Bounce, Bounty, Bountifulness, Bounteousness, Brightness, Brilliance, Brio,  Brunch, Buoyancy 

Company, Companionship, Conversation, Conviviality, Cachet, Camaraderie, Care, Carefulness, Caritas, Character, Charisma, Charm, Cheer, Cheerfulness, Cheeriness, Civility, Class, Classiness, Cleanliness, Cleverness, Closeness, Colourfulness, Comedy, Comfort, Comity, Commitment, Companionship, Compassion, Compassionateness, Complement, Completeness, Composedness, Composition, Composure, Congeniality,  Congenialness, Consanguinity, Conscientiousness, Consideration, Consistency, Consonance, Contemporariness, Contentedness, Contentment, Contribution, Conversance, Conversation, Conviviality, Coolheadedness, Coolness, Coordination, Cordiality, Cordialness, Correctness, Cosiness, Courteousness, Courtesy, Courtliness, Creativeness, Creativity, Creation, Creativeness, Creativity, Culture, Cuteness


Dash, Dazzle, Dazzlement, Dazzle, Debonairness, Dearness, Decency, Decorum, Dedication, Deftness, Delectableness, Delicacies, Delicacy, Delectations, Deliciousness, Delight, Delights, Delightedness, Delightfulness, Dependability, Desert, Desiderata/Desideratum, Desirability, Desirableness, Dexterity, Dextrousness, Dignity, Diligence, Dinner, Discernment, Discretion, Distinction, Drive, Dynamism

Earthliness, Ease, Easygoingness, Ebullience, Effectiveness, Effervescence, Efficacy, Efficiency, Effortlessness, Effulgence, Élan, Elegance, Eloquence, Embrace, Eminence, Enablement, Enamouredness, Enchantingness, Enchantments, Energy, Engagement, Engagingness, Engrossingness, Engrossment, Enhancement, Enjoyableness, Enjoyment, Enkindlement, Enlightenment, Enlivenment, Ennoblement, Enough, Enrapturement, Enrichment, Enterprise, Entertainment, Enthrallment, Enthusiasm, Enticement, Entrancement, Epicureanism, Equanimity, Esprit, Esse, Essence, Etiquette, Eudaimonia, Eudaimonism, Eunoia, Eupathy, Euphony, Eutaxy, Eutrapely, Event, Everything, Evocativeness, Exactly/Just what I needed, Excellence, Excellency, Exceptionalness, Excitation, Excitement, Exemplariness, Exhilaration, Existence, Expertise, Exploration, Expressiveness, Exquisiteness, Extraordinariness, Exuberance, Exuberancy

Fabulousness, Facilitation, Facility, Facundity, Family, Fancy, Favour, Feast, Feat, Felicity, Fellowship, Feminacy, Festival, Festiveness, Festivity, Fete, Fineness, Finesse, Flamboyance, Flair, Flavour, Fleetness, Flexibility, Flourish, Flow, Foison, Fondness, Food, Foodophile, Foodophilia, Food stuffs, Fraternity, Freshness, Friendliness, Friendship, Frivolity, Frolic, Frolicsomeness, Fruitfulness, Fulfillment, Fullness, Fulgor, Fun

Gallantry, Gamesomeness, Gaiety, Gathering, Gayness, Get-together, Generativity, Generosity, Generousness, Geniality, Genialness, Genius, Gentleness, Genuineness, Gift, Gifts, Giftedness, Givingness, Gladness, Gladsomeness, Glamour, Glee, Gleefulness, Good, Good cheer, Good company, Good food, Good nature, Goodness, Good spirit(s), Good thing, Good time, Goodwill, Good wishes, Grace, Gracefulness, Graciousness, Gratulation, Gravy, Greatness, Grooviness, Gumption, Gusto


Happiness, Harmoniousness, Harmony, Healthiness, Heart, Heartiness, Heartsomeness, Heavenliness, Helpfulness, High-spiritedness, Hilariousness, Hilarity, Hipness, Hoot, Hospitableness, Hospitality, Humanity, Humdinger, Humour, Humourousness

Illustriousness, Imagination, Immaculateness, Impeccability, Impishness, Implementation, Impressiveness, Inclusion, Inclusiveness, Indispensability, Individuality, Indulgence, Indulgences, Industriousness, Ingenuity, Initiative, Innovation, Insight, Insightfulness, Inspiration, Inspiritment, Instauration, Instinct, Interaction, Interconnection, Interestingness, Inventiveness, Invigoration, Invitation, Invitingness, Irrepressibility, Isness, Izzat

Jauntiness, Jazziness,  Jocosity, Jocularity, Jocundity, Joie de Vivre, Jollies, Jollification, Jolliness, Jollity, Joviality, Joy, Joyance, Joyfulness, Joyousness, Jubilance, Jubilation, Jubilee, Juice, Juiciness

Kalon, Keenness, Kindheartedness, Kindliness, Kindling, Kindness, Kinship, Knack, Know-how, Knowledge 

Largeheartedness, Largesse, Laudability, Laugh, Laughter, Lavishness, Lead, Leadership, Lenity, Lepidity, Levity, Libation, Liberation, Lift, Light-heartedness, Lightness, Likeableness, Like-mindedness, Liveliness, Living, Lollapalooza, Lovability, Love, Loveableness, Loveliness, Love object, Loving, Loving-kindness, Lovingness, Luminosity, Lunch, Lusciousness, Lushness, Lustre, Luxury, Luxuriousness


Magic, Magnificence, Majesty, Management, Manners, Marvel, Masterfulness, Mastermind, Masterpiece, Masterdom, Mastership, Mastery, Meal, Meaningfulness, Mellifluousness, Mellowness, Memory, Memories, Merriment, Merriness, Merrymaking, Meticulousness, Mindfulness, Mirth, Mirthfulness, Mischief, Mischievousness, Modernity, Morale, Moxie, Munificence

Naturalness, Neatness, Neighbourlikeness, Neighbourliness, Niceness, Nicety, Niftiness, Nimbleness, Nirvana, Noteworthiness, Nourishment, Novity, Nurture, Nutrication, Nutrition

Oblectation, Obligingness, Oenomel, Openness, Open-handedness, Open-heartedness, Open-mindedness, Opportunity, Opulence, Orderliness, Or d'oeuvres, Originality, Outgoingness

Pabulum, Panacea, Panache, Panaesthesia, Panaesthetism, Panegyric, Paradise, Parage, Party, Pathopoeia, Patronage, Pep, Pepper-upper, Peppiness, Percipience, Perfectibilism, Perfectionism, Perfection, Perkiness, Perseverance, Personage, Personality, Pertness, Phenomenon, Phenomena, Philocaly, Philoxenia, Pick-me-up, Piquancy, Pizzazz, Playfulness, Pleasantness, Pleasantry, Plenteousness, Plenitude, Plenty, Plushness, Poiesis, Poise, Polish, Politeness, Positivity, Practicality, Praiseworthiness, Preciousness, Preparation, Preparedness, Present, Presentation, Pride, Proactiveness, Proactivity, Procinct, Proficiency, Pronoia, Propinquity, Propitiousness, Prowess

Quaintness, Quality, Quiescence, Quiescency, Quietness, Quietude, Quintessence

Radiance, Raillery, Raise, Rapport, Ravishment, Readiness, Realm, Realness, Reassurance, Reception, Receptiveness, Reciprocity, Recognition, Refinement, Reflation, Refresher, Refreshment, Regalement, Regality, Regardfulness, Rejoicing, Rejuvenation, Relaxation, Relaxedness, Release, Reliability, Relish, Remarkableness, Remedy, Renewal, Repast, Repletion, Reputation, Resources, Resourcefulness, Respect, Respectability, Respite, Responsiveness, Restfulness, Restoration, Revelry, Revival, Rhapsody, Richness, Ripsnorter, Risibility, Rollick, Romanticism, Romp, Rosiness

Saintliness, Salubriousness, Sanguineness/Sanguinity, Sapidity, Satiety, Satiation, Satisfaction, Sauciness, Savoir-faire, Savouriness, Scintillation, Scrumptiousness, Scrupulousness, Seasoning, Selection, Self-composure, Self-confidence, Self-discipline, Self-expression, Selflessness, Sensation, Sensibility, Sentiment, Sereneness, Serenity, Service, Seva, Seventh Heaven, Sharing, Sheltering, Shot in the arm, Simplicity, Sincerity, Skill, Smartness, Smile,  Smoothness, Snacks, Snazziness, Sociability, Social grace, Sociality, Soiree, Solace, Soothingness, Sophistication, Soul, Soulfulness, Space, Spark, Sparkle, Specialness, Spice, Spiciness, Spirit, Spirits, Spiritedness, Splendidness, Splendour, Spontaneity, Sportiveness, Sprightliness, Spunk, Standard, Standards, Stateliness, Stature, Stick-to-itiveness, Stimulation, Stimulus, Straightforwardness, Style, Stylishness, Suavity, Sublimity, Substance, Subtleness, Success, Successfulness, Succor, Suffisance, Sufficiency, Suitability, Suitableness, Sumptuousness, Sunniness, Sunshine, Superabilty, Superabundance, Superbness, Superiority, Supper, Supplement, Support, Supremacy, Sure-footedness, Sure-handedness, Sureness, Surety, Surprise, Sustenance, Swankiness, Sweetener, Sweetening, Sweetness, Synergy


Tact, Talent, Tang, Tantalization, Taste, Temper (not "a" temper), Temperateness, Temptations, Tenderheartedness, Tenderness, Thaumaturgy, Therapy, Thoroughness, Thoughtfulness, Threpsology, Thrill, Tidiness, Timelessness, Timeliness,  Tirelessness, Titillation, Togetherness, Touch, Tranquility, Tranquilness, Transcendence, Treat, Treats, Trophism, Trophology 

Uberty, Ubuntu, Unfailingness, Unflappability, Uniqueness, Unreservedness, Unselfishness, Uplift, Upstandingness, Utopia

Value, Values, Versatility, Verve, Vibrancy, Vigour, Vim, Virtu, Virtue, Virtuousness, Virtuosity, Vision, Vitality, Vitalization, Vivaciousness, Vivacity, Vivency, Vivification, Volition

Warmheartedness, Warmth, Ways, Ways and means, Welcome, Welcomeness, Wellness, What it takes, Wherewithal, Whimsy, Wholeness, Wholeheartedness, Wholesomeness, Whole-spiritedness, Willingness, Wine, Winsomeness, Wit, Witticisms, Wittiness, Wonderfulness, Wonderment, Wonderwork, Wondrousness, Worldliness



Zaniness, Zap, Zeal, Zealousness, Zest, Zestfulness, Zestiness, Zing, Zip, Zoomagnetism

with/for who/: (could be preceded by adjectives*)

BFF, Convive(s) Companions, Colleagues, Foodie, Boy/Girl Friends, Epicure, Gastronome, Gentleman, Gentlemen, Gentlewoman, Gentlewomen, Ladies, Host, Hostess, My love, Turophile

When: the Occasion/Date

...because I/you...


Abundantly, Accommodatingly, Adeptly, Admirably, Admiringly, Adroitly, Adventuresomely, Aesthetically, Affably, Affectionately, Affirmatively, Agreeably, Alluringly, Amazingly, Amenably, Amiably, Amply, Amoroso, Amusingly, Appetizingly, Appreciatively, Approvingly, Aptly, Artistically, Attractively, Auspiciously, Atypically, Augustly, Authentically, Awesomely

Beautifully, Beauteously, Befriendingly, Beneficently, Beneficially, Benevolently, Blazingly, Blessedly, Blissfully, Blithely, Boldly, Boisterously, Bounteously, Bountifully, Brightly, Brilliantly, Brotherly, Buoyantly


Capably, Captivatingly, Carefully, Caringly, Casually, Charismatically, Charmingly, Cheerfully, Chicly, Chivalrously, Civilly, Cleanly, Colourfully, Comfortably, Comfortingly, Commandingly, Commendably, Companionably, Compellingly, Conamore, Confidently, Congenially, Conscientiously, Considerately, Contently, Conversantly, Convivially, Coolly, Cordially, Courteously, Cosily, Creatively


Dapperly, Dazzlingly, Dashingly, Dearly, Debonairly, Decorously, Deftly, Delectably, Deliberately, Delicately, Deliciously, Delightedly, Delightfully, Devotedly, Dexterously, Diligently, Disarmingly, Discerningly, Discriminatingly, Distinctively, Divinely, Dreamily, Dynamically


Eagerly, Ebulliently, Ecstatically, Effectively, Effectually, Effervescently, Efficiently, Effortlessly, Effulgently, Elaborately, Elatedly, Elatingly, Electrically, Elegantly, Elevatingly, Eloquently, Eminently, Enchantingly, Endearingly, Energetically, Energizingly, Engagingly, Engrossingly, Enjoyably, Enlighteningly, Enliveningly, Enrapturously, Enrichingly, Entertainingly, Enthrallingly, Enthusiastically, Enticingly, Entrancingly, Especially, Esteemingly, Eternally, Eudaemonistically, Euphorically, Evocatively, Exactly, Exceedingly, Excellently, Excellingly, Exceptionally, Excitingly, Executively, Exhilaratingly, Exotically, Expertly, Expressively, Exquisitely, Extraordinarily, Extravagantly, Exuberantly


Fabulously, Fain, Fantastically, Fascinatingly, Fashionably, Favourably, Felicitously, Festively, Fetchingly, Finely, Fitly, Fittingly, Flamboyantly, Flavourfully, Flourishingly, Fluently, Fondly, Forever, Formally, Fortuitously, Fortunately, Fraternally, Freely, Freshly, Frolicsomely, Fruitfully, Fully, Fullfilingly 


Gallantly, Gamefully, Gamesomely, Gaily, Gastronomically, Generously, Genially, Gently, Genuinely, Gladly, Gleefully, Gloriously, Glowingly, Good-humouredly, Good-naturedly, Gorgeously, Gracefully, Graciously, Grandly, Gratefully, Gratifyingly, Greatly, Gustatorially


Handily, Happily, Harmoniously, Hauntingly, Healthily, Heartfelt, Heartily, Heavenly, High-spiritedly, Hilariously, Highly, Hiply, Honestly, Hospitably, Humbly, Humorously, Hypnotically


Illustriously, Imaginatively, Immaculately, Immeasurably, Impassionedly, Impeccably, Impishly, Importantly, Impressively, Incisively, Indefatigably, Influentially, Ingeniously, Innovatively, Insightfully, Inspirationally, Inspiredly, Inspiringly, Intellectually, Intelligently, Interactively, Interestingly, Intimately, Inventively, Invitingly, Irrepressibly, Irresistibly


Jestingly, Jocosely, Jocularly, Jovially, Joyfully, Joyously, Jubilantly


Keenly, Kindly, Kind-heartedly


Laudably, Lavishly, Liberally, Liberatingly, Lief, Lightly, Light-heartedly, Likably, Lively, Longingly, Lovably, Lovingly, Luminously, Lusciously, Lushly, Lustrously, Lustily, Luxuriantly, Luxuriously 


Magically, Magnanimously, Magnetically, Magnificently, Majestically, Majorly, Marvellously, Masterfully, Maternally, Meaningfully, Measurably, Melodiously, Mellowly, Merrily, Meticulously, Mindfully, Miraculously, Mirthfully, Mischievously, Modestly, Morally, Most deeply, Most fortunately, Most fully, Most highly,  Munificently, Musically


Naturally, Neatly, Nicely, Niftily, Nimbly, Nobly, Notably


Obligingly, Openly, Openhandedly, Open-heartedly, Open-mindedly, Opportunely, Optimally, Opulently, Orderly, Originally, Outstandingly


Passionately, Paternally, Patiently, Peaceably, Peacefully, Perceptively, Perfectly, Permissively, Personably, Personally, Persuasively, Pertly, Phenomenally, Philoxenially, Picturesquely, Piquantly, Placidly, Playfully, Pleasantly, Pleasingly, Pleasurably, Poetically, Politely, Popularly, Positively, Powerfully, Praiseworthily, Preciously, Preparedly, Prestigiously, Pristinely, Proactively, Prodigiously, Proficiently, Prolifically, Prominently, Promisingly, Properly, Propitiously, Proactively, Provocatively, Proudly, Purely


Quaintly, Qualitatively, Quick-wittedly, Quietly, Quintessentially


Radiantly, Rapturously, Ravishingly, Readily, Really, Receptively, Refreshingly, Regally, Relaxingly, Reliably, Remarkably, Reputably, Resourcefully, Responsibly, Respectably, Respectfully, Resplendently, Responsibly, Responsively, Restfully, Restively, Restoratively, Rhapsodically, Richly, Risibly, Robustly, Rollickingly, Rosily, Rousingly


Salubriously, Satisfactorily, Saucily, Sanguinely, Scintillatingly, Scrumptiously, Scrupulously, Sedulously, Selflessly, Sensationally, Sensitively, Sensuously, Serendipitously, Serenely, Significantly, Simply, Sincerely, Skilfully, Sleekly, Smartly, Smashingly, Smilingly, Smoothly, Sociably, Soft-heartedly, Solicitously, Solidly, Soothingly, Sophisticatedly, Soulfully, Specially, Spectacularly, Spellbindingly, Spiritedly, Splendidly, Splendiferously, Spontaneously, Sportingly, Sportively, Stunningly, Stupendously, Stylishly, Suavely, Sublimely, Substantially, Successfully, Sumptuously, Superabundantly, Superbly, Superiorly, Supportively, Supportingly, Supremely, Sweetly, Swimmingly, Synergistically


Tactfully, Tantalizingly, Tastefully, Tenderly, Terrifically, Thankfully, Thoroughly, Thoughtfully, Thrillingly, Tidily, Tirelessly, Together, Totally, Touchingly, Transcendently, Tranquilly, Tremendously, Triumphantly, Truly, Truthfully


Unbelievably,  Unequivocally, Uniquely, Unstoppably, Up, Upbeat, Unselfishly, Urbanely


Verily, Very, Vibrantly, Vitally, Visually, Vivaciously, Vively


Warmly, Warm-heartedly, Well, Whole-heartedly, Wholesomely, Wholly, With relish, Winningly, Wonderfully, Wondrously




Zanily, with Zeal, Zealously, Zestfull


The Good Book

 What's worth Going For?


Admired, Adored, Allured, Amused, Anticipated, Apricated, Applauded, Appreciated, Aroused, Arrived, Astounded, Attended, Attracted, Awakened, Became, Began, Befriended, Beguiled, Belonged, Benefited, Blended in, Blessed, Bloomed, Blossomed, Blown away, Buoyed, Calmed, Celebrated, Capered, Captivated, Cavorted, Celebrated, Charmed, Cheered, Cherished, Comforted, Compelled, Comported, Connected, Contented, Cultivated, Danced, Degusted, Dazzled, Dug, Dined, Elated, Electrified, Embraced, Enamoured, Enchanted, Energized, Engaged, Engaged in, Engrossed, Enjoyed, Enlivened, Entertained, Enthralled, Enticed, Evoked, Excited, Exhilarated, Experimented, Extracted, Fascinated, Feasted, Fed, Felicitated, Felt, Filled, Fired up, Found, Fulfilled, Frolicked, Gambolled, Gathered, Gathered momentum, Giggled, Gladdened, Got in there, Got into, Gratified, Greeted, Grew, Had, Harmonized, Heartened, Heightened, Holidayed, Homologated, Hospitated, Impressed, Indulged, Inspirited, Integrated, Interacted, Interconnected, Interested, Interfaced, Inter-played, Invigorated, Jested, Joked, Joined, Kicked up one's heels, Kindled, Laughed, Learned, Liberated, Lifted, Liked, Livened, Lightened, Listened, Loved, Lured, Made merry, Mafficked, Normalized, Noshed, Nourished, Nurtured, Pampered, Played, Pleased, Plunged into, Prized, Quenched, Quieted, Racked up, Raised, Rallied, Refocillated, Refreshed, Rejoice, Rejuvenated, Relaxed, Relished, Restored, Revelled, Revived, Revivified, Rollicked, Romped, Rose, Salved, Sated, Satiated, Satisfied, Savoured, Scored, Slaked, Smiled, Soothed, Sparked, Sparkled, Stilled, Stirred, Sufficed, Suited, Swept off one's feet, Sweetened, Tempered, Thrilled, Tickled, Titillated, Titivated, Touched, Treasured, Valued, Welcomed, Whooped it up, Wowed

...repeat adjectives/nouns/verbs as necessary for the perfect personalized thank-you note.

(Adverb) yours,

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Thanksgiving Adjectives


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You're Welcome!


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