
Thanksgiving Adjectives

Includes Autumn/Fall Words

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A. Abiding, Able-bodied, Abloom, Abounding, Abundant, Accepted, Accepting, Accessible, Accommodated, Accommodating, Accommodative, Accordant, Acknowledged, Acknowledging, Actual, Admirable, Admired, Adorable, Adored, Adoring, Advantaged, Aesthetic, Aesthetical, Affable, Affecting, Affectionate, AffineAffined, Affirming, Affluent, Affordable, Agreeable, Alimentary, Alive, All heart, All right, All set, All systems go, Altruistic, Alright, Amative, Amatory, Amazing, Ambrosial, Amenable, Amiable, Amicable, Ample, Amused, Amusing, Anamnestic, A-OK, Aperitive, Aplenty, Appealing, Appetizing, Applauded, Appreciated, Appreciative, Approachable, Approving, Arcadian, Aromatic, Arriving, Artful, Artisanal, Artistic, As it ought to be, As it should be, Assiduous, Assistive, Associated, Associative, Assured, Assuring, At ease, At hand, At leisure, At the ready, Attentive, Attractive, Attractive, Authentic, Available, Awaited

Words to say 'Thanks!' for a meal and more

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B. Beaming, Beauteous, Beautified, Beautiful, Becoming, Belonging, Beloved, Benefic, Beneficent, Beneficial, Benevolent, Better, Better-than-before, Best*, Best-loved, Blessed, Blissful, Blooming, Blossoming, Blue-ribbon, Bodacious, Boisterous, Bold, Boffo, Bonafide, Bonny, Bonzer, Bounding, Bounteous, Bountiful, Brilliant, Brimming, Brotherly, Bubbly, Bucolic, Buoyant, Burgeoning, Bursting, Busting, Bustling

C. Candescent, Captivating, Cared for, Carefree, Caring, Casual, Celebrated, Celebratory, Central, Changeless, Charismatic, Charitable, Charming, Cheerful, Cherished, Cherishing, Choice, Choicest*, Civilized, Classic, Classical, Classy, Close, Collaborative, Colourful, Comfortable, Comforting, Commendable, Commendatory, Commodious, Commonsensical, Communal, Commutual, Companionable, Compassionate, Compelling, Complaisant, Complete, Complimentary, Comprehensive, Conducive, Confelicitous, Congenial, Connected, Considerable, Considerate, Consonant, Contemporary, Content, Contributive, Convenient, Conversant, Convivial, Cool, Cooperative, Coordinated, Copacetic, Copious, Cordial, Corking, Coruscant, Cosmopolitan, Courteous, Courtly, Cozy, Crackerjack, Creative, Crowd-pleasing, Cultured


D. Dapper, Darling, Dazzled, Dazzling, Dear, Dearest*, Decorous, Delectable, Deliberate, Delicate, Delicious, Delighted, Delightful, Dependable, Deserving, Desired, Desirable, Devoted, Devotional, Dignified, Diligent, Disarming, Discerning, Disciplined, Discriminating, Distinctive, Distinguished, Distinguishing, Diverse, Diverting, Divine, Doted on, Doting, Down-to-earth, Doxological

E. Eager, Earnest, Earthy, Easygoing, Easy to talk to, Easy to understand, Ebullient, Effervescent, Effulgent, Elated, Elating, Elegant, Eleemosynary, Elevating, Eloquent, Empathetic, Enamoured, Enamouring, Enchanted, Enchanting, Endeared, Endearing, Enduring, Energetic, Energizing, Engaged, Engaging, Engrossed, Engrossing, Enjoyable, Enjoyed, Enlightened, Enlightening, Enlivened, Enlivening, Ennobled, Ennobling, Enough, Enriched, Enriching, Entertaining, Enthusiastic, Enthralled, Enthralling, Enticed, Enticing, Eternal, Esthetic, Esthetical, Eudaemonistic/Eudaemonistical, Euphoric, Evocative, Excellent, Excelling, Exceptional, Excited, Exciting, Exclusive, Exemplary, Exhilarated, Exhilarating, Expressive, Exquisite, Extra-, Extraordinary, Exuberant, Exultant, Exulting, Eye-catching

F all; a symphony of rustly leaves, cozy sweaters, and the crisp embrace of autumn air. Each leaf a painter's brushstroke on nature's canvas, as the world tramsforms into a warm tapestry of golden hues.

F. Fab, Fabulous, Familial, Familiar, Fancy, Fantabulous, Fantastic, Faultless, Favoured, Favourite, Feateous, Feelgood, Felicitous, Festal, Festive, Filial, Fine, Finer, Finest*, First-class, First-order, First-rate, Five-star, Flavourful, Flawless, Flourishing, Flowing, Fond, Forgiving, Fortuitous, Fortunate, Foundational, Four-star, Frabjous, Fragrant, Fraternal, Fresh, Friendly, Frolicsome, Fruitful, Fulfilled, Fulfilling, Full, Fun

Fall Colors

G. Galore, Gay, Generous, Genial, Genteel, Gentle, Genuine, Giving, Glad, Gleaming, Glistening, Glorious, Glowing, Godly, Good, Goodhearted, Good-feeling, Good-humoured, Goodly, Good-natured, Graced, Graceful, Gracious, Grand, Grateful, Gratified, Gratifying, Great, Greathearted, Gruntled, Gustatory


H. Hallowed, Happening, Happy, Hard-working, Harmonious, Harmonizable, Healthy, Heartfelt, Heart-to-heart, Heartsome, Heartwarming, Hearty, Heavenly, Helpful, Helping, Henotic, High-class, High-quality, High-spirited, Honourable, Honoured, Hopeful, Hortative/Hortatory, Hospitable, Humanitarian


I. Ideal, Illuminated, Illustrious, Imaginative, Immaculate, Impeccable, Impressive, Incandescent, Inclusive, Incomparable, In fine fettle (good spirits),  In good health, Innocent, Innovative, Inspirational, Inspired, Inspiring, Inspirited, Inspiriting, Integral, Integrative, Interconnective, Interactive, Interesting, International, Intoxicating,  Intrinsic, Invigorated, Invigorating, Inviting, Irrepressible, Irresistible

J. Jazzy, Jolly, Jovial, Joyful, Joyous, Jubilant, Juicy, Just right

K. Keen, Key, Kind, Kind-hearted, Kindly, Kingly

L. Ladylike, Laid-back, Lambent, Largifical, Lasting, Laudable, Lautitious, Lavish, Legendary, Leisurely, Lenient, Leonine, Lepid, Liberal, Liberated, Liberating, Liefly, Light, Light-hearted, Likable, Liked, Like-minded, Lively, Living,  Long-established, Long-standing, Lordly, Lovable, Loved, Lovely, Loving, Lucky, Lucrative, Luminous, Luscious, Lush, Lustrous, Luxuriant, Luxurious

M. Mabsoot, Magical, Magnanimous, Magnetic, Magnificent, Mannerly, Marvellous, Matchless, Maternal, Matter-of-fact, Maximal, Meal, Meaningful, Measured, Mellow, Memorable, Merry, Meticulous, Mirthful, Modern, Modest, Momentous, Moral, More, Most Excellent, Moved, Moving, Multicultural, Munificent, Mutual


N. Nailed Down, Nationwide, Native, Near to one's heart, Nearby, Neat, Needed, Neighbourly, Never-failing, New-fashioned, Nice, No end of, No strings attached, Nonpareil, Nourished, Nourishing, Nurtured, Nurturing, Nutrimental

O. Obliging, One, On target, Open-handed, Open-hearted, Open-minded, Optimal, Optimistic, Optimum, Opulent, Organized, Ornamental, Outgoing, Outstanding, Overflowing, Overjoyed

P. Pabulous, Painstaking, Palatable, Parental, Par excellence, Participative, Participatory, Particular, Peaceful, Peachy, Peerless, Peppy, Perennial, Perfect, Perky,  Personable, Philanthropic, Philoprogenitive, Philoxenial, Picturesque, Pioneering, Piquant, Pleasant, Pleased, Pleasing, Pleasurable, Plenteous, Plentiful, Plummy, Poetic, Polished, Polite,  Positive, Praiseworthy, Prayerful, Precious, Premium, Prepared, Pretty, Prevenient, Prime, Primo, Princely, Privileged, Prized, Prize-winning, Procinct, Prodigious, Prolific, Promising, Propitious, Prosperous, Protected, Protective

Q. Quaint, Qualitative, Quality, Queenly, Quiet, Quintessential

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R. Radiant, Rapt, Rapturous, Ravishing, Reassured, Reassuring, Receiving, Receptive, Reciprocal, Recognized, Recuperative, Red-carpet, Redolent, Refined, Refreshed, Refreshing, Regal, Regnant, Regular, Rejoicing, Rejuvenated, Rejuvenating, Related, Relative, Relaxed, Relaxing, Relevant, Reliable, Relieved, Relished, Relishing, Remarkable, Remissive, Renewing, Renewed, Renowned, Replete, Resounding, Respectable, Respected, Respectful, Resplendent, Rested, Restful, Restorative, Reverent, Revitalized, Revitalizing, Revived, Revivifying, Rewarded, Rewarding, Rhapsodic, Riant, Rich, Right, Righteous, Right neighbourly, Robust, Rollicking, Rounded, Roused, Rousing

S. Sacred, Sacrosanct, Safe, Salubrious, Salutiferous, SanguineSapid, Saporific/Saporous, Satisfactory, Satisfied, Satisfying, Saucy, Savouring, Savoury, Second to none, Scintillated, Scintillating, Scrumptious, Seasoned, Second-to-none, Secure, Selfless, Sensate, Sensational, Sentimental, Serendipitous, Serene, Service-minded, Service-oriented, Sharing, Sheltering, Shining, Shipshape, Sightly, Simple, Sincere, Skilful, Skilled, Smiling, Snugly, Sociable, Social, Soft-hearted, Soothing, Sparkling, Special, Spectacular, Spicy, Spirited, Spiritual, Splendid, Splendiferous, Splendorous, Sprucest*, Sterling, Stimulating, Stimulative, Stimulatory, Stirred, Stirring, Suaveolent, Sublime, Substantial, Succulent, Sufficient, Sumptuous, Superabundant, Superb, Super-civilized, Superior, Superlative, Supported, Supporting, Supportive, Supreme, Surpassing, Sustained, Sustaining, Sweet, Sybaritic, Sympathetic 

Food & Drink Words

T. Tangible, Tasteful, Tasty, Tempestive, Tender, Tender-hearted, Terrific, Thankful, There, Thoughtful, Thriving, Tidy, Time-honoured, Timeless, Tireless, Titivated, Together, Tolerant, Toothsome, Touched, Touching, Traditive, Tranquil, Transcendent, Treasured, Tremendous

Unlimited Love

U. Ubiquitous, Unassuming, Unified, Unisonous, Unselfish, Unwithdrawing, Upbeat, Uplifted, Uplifting

V. Valued, Vibrant, Virtuous, Vital, Vivacious, Vivid, Vivifying

W. Wanted, Warm, Warm-hearted, Welcome, Welcomed, Welcoming, Weleful, Well-done, Well-intentioned, Well-liked, Well-meaning, Well-planned, Well-received, Welsome, Whiz-bang, Wholehearted, Wholesome, Willing, Winning, Without equal, Without limit, Wonderful, Wondrous, World class,  Worldwide, Worthy

          X. Xenial, Xenodochial

Y. Yummy

Z. Zestful, Zesty

* Superlative Adjective

Thank you! 


Congratulatory Words

Cheers!            You're Welcome!


Find positive Winter words in Christmas, and Spring words in the Easter list.

Divine Adjectives      Divine Nouns

Main Positive Adjective Glossary

Positive Personal Nouns

Dynamic Resume' Verbs

Positive Adverb Glossary  


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