


© 2019-2023 Systemagic Productions

A.  Absorbing, A Cappella, Accompanying, Accomplished, Accordant, Acoustic, Affecting, Affining, Afflating, Airy, Alluring, Alto, Ambient, Amplified, Amusing, Animating, Anticipative, Aperitive, Arranged, Ariose, Arioso, Artistic, Atmospheric, Attuned, Audiovisual, Auditory, Aural, Auricular

B.  Background, Band, Baritone, Baroque, Bass, Basso, Baroque, Beautiful, Binaural, Biphonic, Blissful, Blithesome, Bluegrass, Blues, Bluesy, Bombastic, Booming, Bopping, Boogie, Boogie-woogie, Brassy, Brava, Bravo, Breezy, Bright, Brisk, Buoyant

Handbook for the New Normal

A New Book for a New Time

 What's Worth Going For?

C.  Cadenced, Cadent, Calm, Canonic, Canorous, Canticular, Canty, Captivating, Care-free, Carol, Catchy, Chamber, Charming, Chanting, Cheerful, Chiming, Choral, Classic, Classical, Clear, Comforting, Compelling, Complex, Composed, Conamore, Concert, Conducted, Consonant, Contemporary, Cool, Country

D. Dance, Dark, Deep, Delightful, Diaphonic, Diatonic, Distinct, Diverting, Double time, Dramatic, Dulcet, Dynamic

E.  Easy Listening, Electronic, Elemental, Elevating, Emotional, Emotionally-rich, Enchanting, Energetic, Energizing, Engaging, Engrossing, Enjoyable, Entertaining, Enthralling, Enticing, Entrancing, Epic, Essential, Eudaemonistic/Eudaemonistical, Euphonic, Euphonic/Euphonious, Eurythmic, Even, Evocative, Exciting, Executed, Exhilarating, Expressive, Exuberant

F.  Fast, Flamboyant, Feel-good, Flourishing, Folk, Folksy, Foot-stomping, Fresh, Full-toned, Fun, Funk, Funky, Fusion

G.  Gay, Gentle, Gleeful, Golden, Gospel, Grandiose, a Groove, Grooving, Groovy

Guitar Island Playing Birds

H.  Happy, Harmonic, Harmonious, Harmonized, Heartfelt, Heartsome, Heavy metal, Henotic, Heterophonic, Heuristic, Hi-fi, High fidelity, Hip, Hip-hop, Hit, Homey, Homophonic, Homorhythmic, Hymnal, Hypnotic

I.  Impassioned, Impressive, Improvised, Improvisational, Indie, Ineffable, Inflected, Insouciant, Inspiring, Instrumental, Intoned, Intoxicating, Intricate, Intrinsic, Invigorating, Inviting

Italian Terms

Allegro - very quickly

Allegretto - slower than allegro but faster than andante

Andante - slow; moderately paced

Decrescendo - getting softer

Pianissimo - very soft

Piano - soft

Pizzicato - plucky

Mezzo piano - medium soft

Mezzo forte - medium loud

Forte - loud

Fortissimo - very loud

Staccato - of short duration

All the Italian Musical Terms


J. Jammin', Jaunty, Jazzy, Jiggish, Jive, Jolif, Joyful, Joyous, Jubilant

L. Light, Light-hearted, Lilting, Live, Lively, Loud, Ludic, Lyric, Lyrical

M. Magnetic, Major, Masterly, Marching, Measured, Mellifluent/Mellifluous, Melodic, Melodious, Mellow, Mellisonant, Merry, Merry-making, Mesmeric/Mesmerizing, Metal, Meticulous, Metrical, Mirthful, Mnemonic, Modern, Monophonic, Moody, Motivating, Motivational, Moving, Musical, Multifarious


Five Music-related Greek Muses

Calliope - Epic Poetry

Erato - Lyric Poetry

Euterpe - Song and Elegiac Poetry

Polyhymnia - Hymns

Terpsichore - Dance

N. New Age, Noctiflorous, Nostalgic, Notable


Little Blue Gosamer Girl Playing Violin


O. Opera, Operatic, Optimistic, Orchestral, Orphean


P. Paced, Paciferous, Parnassian, Passionate, Peaceful, Percussive, Perspicuous, Placid, Playable, Playful, Pleasant, Pleasing, Pleasurable, Plucky, Philharmonic, Piercing, Pierean, Piquant, Poetic, Pop, Polyphonic, Popular, Powerful, Practiced, Prepossessing, Priceless, Primal, Proficient, Progressive, Proleptic, Provocative, Pulsating, Punk, Pulsing

Q. Quick

R. Raucous, Recorded, Recreational, Redolent, Reggae, Relaxing, Renaissance, Replete, Rejuvenating, Rejuvenescent, Relaxing, Reminiscent, Repeating, Resonant, Resounding, Restorative, Reverberant, Reverberating, Rhapsodic, Rhythmic, Rhythm and Blues, Rhythmical, Rich, Ringing, Rising, Rock, Rockin', Rock n' Rollin', Rollicking, Rollin', Romantic, Rousing


The Good Book

 Everything Good about Everything


S. Sacred. Sensate, Sensational, Sentimental, Session, Silvery, Siren, Siren-song, Slammin', Slow, Smooth, Soft, Solacious, Solo, Song, Songlike, Sonic, Sonorous, Soothing, Sophisticated, Soprano, Soul, Soulful, Sounded, Steady, Sthenic, Stimulating, Stirring, Strident, Strong, Sublime, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Superlative, Surging, Suspenseful, Sweet, Sweet-sounding, Swing, Swinging, Symphonic, Symphonious, Synced, Synchronized


T.  Talented, Tender, Tenor, Textured, Throbbing, Thunderous, Tight, Timbral, Timeless, Toe-tapping, Tonal, Tonic, Touching, Transporting, Transcendent, Treble, Trilling, Tuneful, Tympanic

U.  Unaccompanied, Unifying, Uninhibited, Unisonous, Uniting, Unplugged, Unrestrained, Upbeat, Upbuilding, Uplifting, Up-tempo, Upwelling

V. Vegete, Versed, Vespertine, Vibrant, Vibratile, Virtuoso, Vitative, Vocal

W. Warbling, Warm, Wavy, World

Ta-da!            Cheers


Main Positive Adjectives List

The Positive Emotions
