Happy New Year

Adjectives / Synonyms

 Alternatives to "Happy" for in Happy New Year!

© 2016 - 2024 Systemagic Productions

A. Abounding, Abundant, Accommodating, Accordant, Active, Adventuresome, Adventurous, Affable, Afflated, Affluencial, Affluent, Agreeable, All heart, All right, Alright, Amazing, Ambrosial/Ambrosian, Amenable, Amiable, Amicable, Ample, Amusing, Aplenty, Appealing, Aperitive, Appetizing, Appreciated, Arousing, Artful, As it ought to be, As it should be, Associative, Astonishing, Astounding, Attractive, Atypical, Auspicious, Avid, Awaited, Awesome

Auld Lang Syne = Times Long Past

Exploding Firework!!!

B. Baronial, Beamish, Beauteous, Beautiful, Bedazzling, Beloved, Beneficial, Best*, Better, Better-than-before, Beyond compare, Big, Big league, Biggest*, Big-hearted, Big-time, Bijou, Blazing, Blessed, Blissful, Blithe, Blithesome, Blooming, Blossoming, Blue-ribbon, Bodacious, Boisterous, Bold, Boffo, Bonafide, Bonny, Bonzer, Boss, Bounding, Bounteous, Bountiful, Breathtaking, Bright, Brill, Brilliant, Brimming, Bubbly, Buoyant, Bursting, Bustling

Handbook for the New Normal

A New Book for a New Time

Everything Good about Everything Good

C. Candescent, Canorous, Capital, Captivating, Cared for, Carefree, Caring, Casual, Celebrated, Celebratory, Champion, Charming, Cheerful, Cherished, Cherry, Chipper, Chirpy, Chirpiest, Choice, Choicest*, Chummy, Civilized, Classy,  Clear-eyed, Clearheaded, Clear-sighted, Climactic, Closing, Cock-a-hoop, Colossal, Colourful, Comfortable, Comic, Comical, Commodious, Companionable, Compelling, Complimentary,  Concordant, ConfelicitousConfident, Congenial, Considerable, Consonant, Content, Convivial, Cooking with gas, Cool, Copacetic, Copious, Cordial, Corking, Coruscant, Cosmic, Crackerjack, Cranked, Creative, Crowd-pleasing, Cultured, Curative, Cushy

Cheers            Cheers!           

D. Dandy, Dapatical, Dashing, Dazzling, Dear, Dearest*, Delectable, Delicious, Delighted, Delish, Deluxe, Deserving, Desirable, Desirous, Different, Disarming, Diverse, Diverting, Down-to-earth, Droll, Ducky, Dynamic, Dynamite

E. Easygoing, Ebullient, Eclectic, Ecstatic, Effervescent, Effortless, Effulgent, Elating, Electrifying, Elegant, Elevating, Empowering, Enabling, Enchanting, Encouraging, Endearing, Energetic, Energizing, Engrossing, Enjoyable, Enjoyed, Enlivening, Ennobled, Enriching, Entertaining, Enthralling, Enthusiastic, Enticing, Entrancing, Epic, Epicurean, Epinician, Especial, Eupeptic, Eudaimonistic/Eudaimonistical, Euphonious, Euphoric, Eventful, Evocative, Exalting, Exceeding, Excellent, Exceptional, Exciting, Exclusive, Exemplary, Exhaustive, Exhilarating, Expansive, Expeditious, Expergefacient, Expensive, Explorative, Expressive, Exquisite, Extraordinary, Exuberant, Exultant, Exulting

F. Fab, Fabulous,  Facilitative, Familial, Familiar, Fancy, Fancy-free, Fantabulous, Fantastic, Far-out, Fascinating, Favourable, Favourite, Fearless, Feelgood, Felicitous, Feracious, Fervent, Festal, Festive, Fiery, Fine, Finest*, First-class, First-order, First-rate, Fitting, Five-star, Flamboyant, Flashy, Flavourful, Flavoursome, Flawless, Flexible, Flourishing, Flowing, Fluent, Fly (chiefly British), Flying, Fond, Formidable, Fortifying, Fortuitous, Fortunate, Four-star, Frabjous, Fragrant,  Free, Freethinking, Fresh, Friendly, Frisky, Frolicsome, Front-page, Fruitful, Fulfilling, Fulgent, Full, Fun, Funny

Good Wishes!

G. Gainful, Gamesome, Gargantuan, Gay, Gelastic, Gelogenic, Generative, Generous, Genial, Gifted, Giggly, Glad, Glamorous, Gleaming, Gleeful,  Glistening, Glorious, Glowing, Gnarly, Golden, Good, Goodhearted, Good-feeling, Good-humoured, Goodly, Good-natured, Graced, Graceful, Gracious, Gradely,  Grand, Gratifying, Great, Greatest*, Greathearted, Gregarious, Groovy,  Gumptious, Gung ho, Gutsy


What a Humdinger!

H. Halcyon, Hale, Happening, Happy, Happy-go-lucky, Hardy, Harmonic, Harmonious, Healthful, Healthy, Heartfelt, Heart-to-heart, Heartsome Heartwarming, Hearty, Heavenly, Heavyweight, Heralded, High Calibre, High-class,  High-power, High-powered, High-priority, High-quality, High-spirited, Hilarious, Hortative/Hortatory, Hospitable, Hot, Hot off the fire, Huge, Huggy, Hypersonic


I. Ideal, Idiosyncratic, Illecebrous, Illimitable, Illuminating, Illustrious, Imaginative, Immaculate, Immeasurable, Immediate, Immense, Impassioned, Impeccable, Impish, Impressive, Improvisational, In, Inaurate, Incandescent,  Incomparable, Incredible, Indefatigable, Inebriating, Ineffable, In fine fettle (good spirits), Ingenious, In good health, Inimitable, Innate, Innovative, In the moment, In the now, Insouciant, Inspired, Inspirited, Inspiriting, Instantaneous, Instinctive, Integral, Integrated, Interconnected, Interconnective, Intense, Interactive, Interesting, In the groove, Intoxicating,  Intriguing, Inventive, Invigorating, Inviting,  Irreplaceable, Irrepressible, Irresistible


J. Jam-packed, Jaunty, Jazzed, Jazzy, Jestful, Jesting, Jiggish, Jocose, Jocoserious, Jocular, Joculatory, Jocund, Jolif,  Jolly, Jovial, Joyful, Joyous, Joysome, Jubilant, Juicy, Juvenescent


K. Keen, Kempt, Kingly, Kooky

Sunrise o'er the ocean

L. Laid-back, Large, Largifical, Lautitious, Lavish, Legendary, Leisurely, Lepid, Liberal, Liberated, Liberating, Liefly, Light, Light-hearted, Likable, Lively, Long-standing, Lordly, Lousy with Love, Lovely, Loving, Lucent, Lucky, Lucrative, Luciferous, LudibundLudic, Luminous, Luscious, Lush, Lustrous, Lusory, Luxuriant, Luxurious

M. Mabsoot, Magical, Magnetic, Magnificent, Majestic, Major, Major league, Marvellous, Massive, Matchless, Maxed, Maximal, Maximum, Meaningful, Mellifluous, Mellisonant, Melodious, Memorable, Merry, Mesmerizing, Meteoric, Mickle, Mighty, Mind-blowing, Miraculous, Mirific, Mirthful, Mischievous, Momentous, Monumental, Most*, Most Excellent, Mouthwatering, Multidimensional, Multifaceted, Multifarious, Musical

N. Nascent, Natalitial, Near to one's heart, Neat, New, Nice, Nifty, Nimble, Nimble-witted, No strings attached, Noctiflorous, Nonpareil, Notable, Noteworthy, Nourishing, Novel, Now

The Good Book

A Good Book to start anytime

"There is no way to be pointed out save [except] the "I AM".

It is the birth of the spirit."  

- Edgar Cayce Reading 262-10

O. Olympian, On, Open-hearted, Open-minded, Optimal, Optimum, Opulent, Original, Outgoing, Out-of-sight, Out-of-this-world, Outstanding, Overflowing, Overjoyed, Overjoying

P. Pally,  Panglossian, Par excellence, Paramount, Passionate, Peachy, Peachy keen, Peak, Peppy, Perfect, Perky, Perpetual, Personable, Pert, Pharaonic, Phenomenal, Piece of cake, Piquant, Pivotal, Planetary, Playful, Pleasant, Pleasing, Pleasurable, Plenteous, Plentiful, Plucky, Plum, Plummy, Pluperfect, Poetic, Poignant, Popular, Posh, Positive, Praiseworthy, Precious, Prefulgent, Premium, Prestigious, Priceless, Prime, Primo, Princely, Privileged, Prized, Prize-winning, Prodigious, Profitable, Profound, Profulgent, Prolific, Prominent, Promising, Propitious, Prosperous, Psyched up, Punchy, Pumped, Pumped up

Qualtagh (n.)  The first person one encounters upon leaving home on New Year's Day.

Q. Qualitative, Quality, Queenly, Quintessential

R. Racy, Rad, Radiant, Rapt, Rapturous, Rare, Rascally, Ravishing, Recipient, Recommendable, Recuperative, Red-carpet, Redolent, Refined, Refreshed, Refreshing, Refulgent, Rejoicing, Rejuvenating, Rejuvenescent, Relaxing, Relieving, Relishing, Remarkable, Renascent,  Renewing, Replete, Resounding, Resplendent, Restful, Restorative, Revitalizing, Reviviscent, Revivifying,  Rewarding, Rhapsodic, Riant, Rich, Rident, Ridibund, Righteous, Risible, Risorial, Robust, Rollicking, Rootin'-tootin', Rosy, Rousing


S. Salubrious, Salutatory, Salutiferous, Sapid, Saporific/Saporous, Sassy, Satisfying, Sative, Saucy, Savoury, Scintillant, Scintillating,  Scintillescent, Scrumptious, Second-to-none, Self-confident, Self-expressive, Sensate, Sensational, Sentimental, Serendipitous, Serene, Shining, Shiny-eyed, Showy, Significant, Singular, Sizable, Skookum, Smart, Smashing, Smiley, Smiling, Smooth, Snazzy, Snappy, Soaring, Sociable, Social, Societal, Soigne, Solid gold, Sophisticated, Sought-after, Spanking, Sparkling, Special, Spectacular, Spellbinding, Spicy, Spiffy, Spirited, Splendid, Splendiferous, Splendorous, Spontaneous, Sporting, Sportive, Sporty, Spot on, Sprightly, Spruce,  Spunky, Stellar, Sterling, Sthenic, Stimulating, Stimulative, Stimulatory, Stirring, Stonking, Storied, Stouthearted, Striking, Stupendous, Stylish, Suave, Suaveolent, Sublime, Substantial, Successful, Succulent, Sumptuous, Sunny, Super, Superabundant, Superb, Super-duper, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Super-civilized, Super-eminent, Super-excellent, Superior, Superlative, Super-popular, Supersonic, Supreme, Sure-fire, Surpassing, Surprising, Swank,  Sweeping, Sweet, Sweet-smelling, Swell, Sybaritic


T. Tailor-made, Tantalizing, Tasteful, Tasty,  Tempestive, Terrific, Thankworthy, Therapeutic, Thoroughgoing, Thrilling,  Time-honoured, Tip-top, Titanic, Titillating, Today, Tonic, Top drawer, Top-notch, Totally-tubular, To the max, Transcendent, Transcendental,  Transformative, Transnormal, Treasurable, Treasured, Tremendous, Triumphant, True, Tuneful, Twenty-four carat, Tympanic

U. Uber, Ultimate, Unabashed, Unbeatable, Uncommon, Uncompromising, Unconditional, Unconditionally Loving, Unconventional, Undauntable, Unequalled, Unequivocable, Unequivocal, Unflagging, Unhesitating, Unified, Unique, Unisonous/Unisonal/Unisonant, Unlimited, Unmitigated, Unparalleled, Unreserved, Unrivalled, Unstoppable, Unsurpassed, Untiring, Unusual, Unwithdrawing, Unzymotic, Up, Upbeat, Upbuilding, Uplifting, Uptown, Upward, Utmost


V. Valuable, Vaulting, Vegete, Venturesome, Ventorious, Vibrant, Vigorous, Viparious, Visionary, Vital, Vitative, Vivacious, Vivid, Vivifying, Volable, Volant, Volcanic

Woo-hoo!            Wow!           

W. Waggish, Wanted, Warm, Warm-hearted, Wealthy, Welcome, Welcomed, Welcoming, Weleful, Welfaring, Well-liked, Well-planned, Well-received, Well-suited, Welsome, Whimsical, Whiz-bang, Wholehearted, Wide-awake, Winged, Winning, Without equal, Without limit, Witty, Wizardly, Wonderful, Wondrous, World class

X. Xenial, Xenodocial

Yay!             Yippy!

Y. Young-at-Heart, Yummy

Z. Zany, Zappy, Zazzy, Zestful, Zesty, Zippy, Zoetic


A New Year's Sound

Congratulatory Words

Seasonal Vocabulary

Horrible Halloween Vocabulary  (Expires Oct. 31st @ midnight) 

Thanksgiving Adjectives

Christmas Words

Romantic Valentines Adjectives


Happy Birthday Adjectives!

Summer Vocabulary

Mother's Day

Father's Day

Find positive Autumnal words in Thanksgiving Winter words in Christmas, and Spring words in the Easter list.


The main Positive Adjective List            The Extraordinay Words

Facebook Page for the 'Positive Word of the Day'

