A-1, A-OK, A-one, Able, Abundant, Accelerating, Accepted, Accessible, Accommodating, Accomplished, Accordant, Accurate, Acknowledged, Accredited, Active, Actual, Acuminate, Acuminous, Adaptable, Adept, Administrative, Admirable, Admired, Adroit, Advanced, Advantageous, Affiliated, Afflated, Afflating, Aggressive, Alacritous, Amalgamated, Ambitious, Ample, Analytic, Analytical, Apodictic, Appetent, Apposite, Appreciated, Approachable, Appropriate, Approved, Apt, Ardent, Argus-eyed, Arranged, Artful, Articulate, Ascendant, Aspirant, Aspiring, Assertive, Assiduous, Assistive, Assembled, Associated, Associative, Assured, Assurgent, Astute, At ease, At hand, At one's disposal, At the ready, Attentive, Atypical, Audited, Au fait, August, Auriferous, Auspicious, Authenticated, Authoritative, Authorized, Avid, Aware, Axiomatic
Balanced, Banzai, Ball of fire, Benefic, Beneficent, Beneficial, Better, Beyond compare, Big, Biggest, Big league, Big-time, Blockbuster, Blue-ribbon, Bold, Boffo, Bonafide, Booming, Bounteous, Bountiful, Busy, Business-like, Brain wave, Brainy, Brassy, Brave, Breviloquent, Bright, Brilliant, Brimming, Budgetary, Built, Bulletproof, Bullish, Buoyant, Business-like, Bustling, Busy, By-the-book, By-the-numbers
Calm, Calmative, Calming, Can do, Canny, Capable, Capital, Careful, Celeritous, Centered, Central, Cerebral, Certain, Certified, Champion, Charismatic, Chief, Civic-minded, Civilized, Classic, Clean, Clear, Clear-cut, Clear-eyed, Clearheaded, Clear-sighted, Clement, Clever, Coadjutant, Coequal, Cogent Cognizant, Coherent, Collaborative, Collated, Collected, Collegial, Commanding, Commendable, Commercial, Committed, Commonsensical, Communicative, Community-minded, Commutual, Coming on strong, Compatible, Compelling, Compendious, Compensatory, Competent, Complaisant, Composed, Comprehensive, Concerted, Conscientious, Concise, Concordant, Conducive, Conferrable, Confident, Confirmed, Congenial, Congruous, Conjoint, Conjunctive, Connected, Conscientious, Consentaneous, Consentient, Considerable, Considerate, Consistent, Consolidated, Consonant, Constant, Constructive, Consumable, Contemporary, Consonant, Constant, Constructive, Consumable, Contemporary, Continuous, Contributive, Contributory, Controlled, Conversant, Convictive, Convincing, Cooperative, Coordinated, Copacetic, Copious, Correct, Corroborated, Cosmopolitan, Cost-effective, Courageous, Courteous, Crack, Crackerjack, Creative, Credential, Credible, Credited, Cultivated, Cultured, Cumulative, Current, Cutting-edge, Cyclic
Daedal, Dauntless, Decent, Decisive, Dedicated, Deductive, Definite, Definitive, Deft, Departmental, Dependable, Deserving, Deserved, Designing, Desirable, Destined, Determined, Developed, Developing, Devoted, Dexterous, Diagnostic, Dialectical, Dignified, Diligent, Diplomatic, Direct, Disarming, Discerning, Disciplined, Discreet, Discrete, Discriminating, Dispassionate, Distinctive, Distinguished, Direct, Disciplined, Diverse, Doable, Dominant, Doubtless, Down-to-earth, Driven, Driving, Durable, Dutiful, Dynamic, Dynamite
Eager, Earnest, Easygoing, Easy to approach, Easy to reach, Easy to talk to, Easy to understand, Eco-friendly, Economic, Economical, Edified/Edifying, Educated, Educational, Effective, Effectual, Efficacious, Efficient, Electric, Electrifying, Eleemosynary, Eloquent, Emerging, Eminent, Empirical, Employable, Enacted, Endorsed, Enduring, Energetic, Energizing, Energy-giving, Engaged, Engaging, Enlightened, Enlightening, Ennobled, Ennobling, En règle, Enriching, Enterprising, Enthusiastic, Entrepreneurial, Entrusted, Environmental, Ensured, Epinician, Equable, Equal, Equalized, Equal opportunity, Equanimous, Equipollent, Equiponderant/Equiponderate, Equitable, Erudite, Essential, Established, Esteemed, Estimable, Ethical, Evenhanded, Exact, Excellent, Excelling, Exceptional, Executive, Exemplary, Expedient, Expeditious, Experienced, Expert, Extensive, Extraordinary, Exuberant
Facilitative, Factual, Fair, Faithful, Far-reaching, Far-sighted, Fast, Faultless, Favourable, Favourite, Fearless, Feasible, Fecund, Feracious, Fertile, Figureoutable, Financial, Fine, Finer, Finest, Fireball, Firm, First-class, First-order, First-rate, Fiscal, Fitting, Five-star, Flawless, Flourishing, Fluent, Focussed, Forceful, Forbearing, Foremost, Foresighted, Formal, Formidable, Forthcoming, Fortified, Fortifying, Forthright, Fortuitous, Fortunate, Forward-looking, Forward-thinking, Foundational, Foundationary, Founded, Four-star, Frank, Fresh, Friendly, Fruitful, Functional, Fundamental
Gainful, Galvanizing, Generative, Genuine, Gifted, Go-ahead, Goal-oriented, Go-getter, Go-getting, Going (concern), Golden, Good, Good at, Good for, Gratifying, Green, Growing, Guaranteed, Guiding, Guileless, Gumptious, Gung ho, Gutsy
Handbook for the New Normal
Handy, Hardworking,
Hard-driving, Hardy, Harmonious,
Head, Hearty, Healthy, Heavyweight, Heedful, Henotic, Helpful, Heuristic,
High Calibre, High-class, High-demand, High-income,
High-power, High-powered, High-principled,
High-quality, High-reaching, High-spirited, Highest*, Highly
regarded, Highly seasoned, Highly valued, Hiring,
Honest, Honourable,
Honoured, Hortative/Hortatory,
off the fire, Hot off the press, Hotshot, Huge, Humanitarian, Hungry,
Idoneous, Illimitable, Imaginative, Imitable, Immaculate, Immediate, Immense, Impartial, Impassioned, Impavid, Impeccable, Impeccant, Imperturbable, Important, Impressive, Improved, Improving, Incisive, Inclusive, Incomparable, Incontestable, Incontrovertible, Incorporated, Incorrupt, Incorruptible, Increasing, Inculpable, Indefatigable, In demand, Independent, Indispensable, Indisputable, Indomitable, Indubitable, Industrious, Inerrant, Inexhaustible, Inferential, Influential, Informative, Informed, Ingenious, Inimitable, Initiative, Innate, Innovative, In order, Inquisitive, In readiness, Insightful, Inspirational, Inspirative, Inspired, Inspiring, Inspirited, Inspiriting, Institutional, Instructed, Instrumental, Insured, Integral, Integrated, Integrative, Intellectual, Intelligent, Intense, Intent, Intensifying, Interconnected, Interconnective, Internal, International, In the bag, In the black, In the mainstream, Instrumental, Intrepid, Intriguing, Intrinsic, Invaluable, Inventive, Investigative, Invigorating, Impartial, Impellent, Imperative, Imperious, Important, Industrious, Influential, Irrefragable, Irrefutable, Irreplaceable, Irrepressible, Irreproachable
The Jedi Mind Trick of Organizational Behaviour
Keen, Kempt, Key, Kinetic, Knowledgeable, Known
Laudable, Law-abiding, Lawful, Leading, Leading-edge, Learned, Legal, Leagued, Lettered, Level-headed, Likable, Like-minded, Logical, Longanimous, Long-established, Lucrative, Lucriferous, Luculent
Magistral, Magnetic, Main, Mainstream, Major, Major league, Manageable, Managerial, Manifest, Malleable, Marketable, Masterful, Masterly, Material, Matter-of-fact, Maximal, Maximum, Meaningful, Measured, Melioristic, Mercantile, Merchandising, Meritable, Meritorious, Meteoric, Methodic, Methodical, Methodized, Methodological, Meticulous, Mettlesome, Mindful, Mitigative, Mitigatory, Model, Modern, Monetary, Moneyed, Money-making, Moral, Moralistic, More, Motivated, Motivating, Motivational, Mutual
Nascent, Nailed down, National, Nationwide, Neat, Necessary, Needed, Neoteric, Never-failing, Nimble-witted, Noble, Noetic, Nonpareil, Notable, Noteworthy, Novel
Objective, Obliging, Observant, Official, Of good repute, One, Ongoing, On one's toes, On target, On the ball, On the beam, On the button, On the job, On the level, On the money, On the money, On the nose, On the qui vive, Open, Open-minded, Operative, Opportune, Opinable, Optimal, Optimistic, Optimum, Ordered, Orderly, Original, Originative, Organized, Outspoken, Outstanding
Painstaking, Paramount, Pardonable, Par excellence, Participative, Participatory, Particular, Patient, Peak, Pecuniary, Peerless, Penetrating, Perceptive, Percipient, Performable, Perseverant, Persevering, Persistent, Personable, Perspicuous, Persuasive, Pertinent, Planned, Plucky, Philanthropic, Phlegmatic, Pioneering, Pivotal, Pleasant, Plenary, Plenteous, Plentiful, Poised, Polished, Polite, Popular, Positive, Possible, Potent, Potential, Powerful, Practicable, Practical, Practiced, Pragmatic, Praiseworthy, Precise, Predominant, Preeminent, Preferable, Preferred, Premier, Premium, Prepared, Preponderant, Present, Presidential, Prevalent, Prevailing, Prevoyant, Primary, Prime, Primed, Primo, Principal, Principled, Priority, Pro, Procurable, Prodigious, Proactive, Probable, Productive, Professional, Proficient, Profitable, Pro forma, Progressive, Prolific, Promising, Promoted, Promoting, Promotional, Prompt, Proper, Propertied, Propitious, Propulsive, Prospective, Prospering, Prosperous, Protean, Protective, Proto- Proud, Proven, Provisional, Prudent, Public-spirited, Punchy, Punctual, Punctilious, Pure, Purified, Purposeful, Purposive
Quantifiable, Qualified, Qualitative, Quality, Quick, Quick on the draw, Quick on the uptake, Quick-witted, Quiet, Quietsome
Rapid, Rathe, Ratified, Ratiocinative, Rational, Razor-sharp, Reachable, Ready, Realistic, Realizable, Reasonable, Reasoned, Reassuring, Receptive, Recipient, Reciprocal, Recognized, Recommendable, Recommended, Refined, Refining, Refreshing, Regular, Regulated, Relevant, Reliable, Remarkable, Remunerative, Replete, Reputable, Resilient, Resolute, Resolved, Resourceful, Respectable, Respected, Respectful, Responsible, Responsive, Retail, Retailing, Retentive, Rewardable, Rewarded, Rewarding, Right, Righteous, Rightful, Right-minded, Rigorous, Robust, Rock solid, Rooted, Rousing, Routine, Rugged, Run
Safe, Saleable, Salubrious, Salutary, Sanctioned, Sanguine, Sartorial, Satisfactory, Satisfying, Savvy, Scholarly, Scientific, Scrupulous, Seamless, Seasoned, Second-to-none, Secure, Secured, Securing, Sedulous, Select, Selected, Self-assertive, Self-assured, Self-confident, Self-disciplined, Self-made, Self-starting, Self-sufficient, Self-sustaining, Sellable, Sensible, Serendipitous, Serious, Service-minded, Service-oriented, Set, Set-up, Settled, Shared, Sharp, Sharp-eyed, Sharp-witted, Shining, Shipshape, Shooting from the hip, Shrewd, Significant, Skillful, Skilled, Smart, Smooth, Solid, Solid gold, Sought, Sought-after, Sound, Sparkling, Spectacular, Speedy, Spirited, Splendid, Sporting, Sportsmanlike, Spotless, Spot on, Square, Stable, Stabilized, Staid, Stainless, Stalwart, Stand-up, Star, Stately, State-of-the-art, Standard, Standardized, Stately, Stationed, Staunch, Steady, Steadfast, Stellar, Sterling, Stick-to-itive, Stipendiary, Straight, Straightforward, Strategic, Strengthening, Strenuous, Striving, Strong, Structural, Structured, Studious, Sturdy, Suasive, Suaviloquent, Subsidiary, Substant, Substantial, Substantive, Substantiated, Successful, Succinct, Sufficient, Suitable, Suited, Summary, Sunny, Sure, Superabundant, Superb, Superior, Superlative, Supersonic, Supple, Supportive, Sure, Sure-fire, Sure-footed, Sure-handed, Surpassing, Sustained, Sustentative, Swaying, Swift, Synergistic, Systematic, Systematized
Tactful, Tactical, Tailor-made, Take-charge, Talented, Tall, Tangible, Taught, Teachable, Temperate, Tenable, Tenacious, Thorough, Thoroughgoing, Thoughtful, Thriving, Tidy, Tight, Time-honoured, Timely, Timeous, Time-saving, Tip-top, Tireless, Titanic, Top, Top drawer, Top-notch, Tough, Trading, Trail-blazing, Trained, Transformative, Transparent, Transpicuous, Tremendous, Tried, Tried-and-true, Trim, True, Trusted, Trustworthy, Truthful, Twenty-first century, Twenty-four carat
The Good Book
Ultra-precise, Unabashed, Unadulterated, Unambiguous, Unarguable, Unbeatable, Unbeaten, Unbiased, Unblemished, Unbroken, Uncommon, Uncomplicated, Uncompromising, Unconditional, Uncontestable, Uncorrupted, Undamaged, Undauntable, Undaunted, Undefeated, Undeniable, Under control, Understandable, Understanding, Understood, Undiminished, Undisputed, Undivided, Undoubted, Unencumbered, Unequaled, Unequivocable, Unequivocal, Unerring, Unfailing, Unfaltering, Unfaultable, Unfeigned, Unfettered, Unflagging, Unflappable, Unhampered, Unhesitating, Unified, Unigenous, Unimpaired, Unimpeachable, Unimpeded, Unique, Unisonous/Unisonal/Unisonant, United, Unlimited, Unmistakable, Unmitigated, Unobjectionable, Unobstructed, Unobtrusive, Unopposed, Unparalleled, Unprejudiced, Unquestionable, Unrefuted, Unreserved, Unrivaled, Unruffled, Unselfish, Unshakable, Unshaken, Unspoiled, Unspoilt, Unstoppable, Unsullied, Unsurpassed, Untarnished, Untiring, Untroubled, Unwavering, Unwithdrawing, Up-and-coming, Upbeat, Upbuilding, Upfront, Uppermost, Up-to-date, Upright, Upstanding, Up to par, Up to snuff, Up to speed, Up-to-the-minute, Upwardly, Usable, Useful, User-friendly, Utile, Utile Dulci, Utilitarian, Utilizable
Valiant, Valid, Validated, Validating, Validatory, Valuable, Valued, Vehement, Velocious, Vendible, Venerated, Ventorious, Venturesome, Venturous, Veracious, Veridical, Verified, Verifiable, Versed in, Versatile, Vested, Viable, Vibrant, Vigilant, Vigorous, Virtuous, Visionary, Vivid, Vital, Volable
Wanted, Warranted, Weighty, Welcomed, Welcoming, Well-balanced, Well-built, Well-established, Well-disposed, Well-done, Well-founded, Well-informed, Well-kept, Well-known, Well-liked, Well-made, Well-ordered, Well-organized, Well-paying, Well-planned, Well-qualified, Well-proportioned, Well-received, Well-spent, Well-spoken, Well-suited, Well-taught, Well-timed, Well-regulated, Whiz-bang, Whole, Widely used, Winning, Without equal, Without limit, Wired, Wise, Wholesale, Workable, Working, World class, Worthwhile, Worthy
Zealous, Zestful
Many other Adjectives could be candidates too depending on the subject.
Positive Business Nouns that Describe People