الصفات الإيجابية العربية

With English Translation

© 2013-2024 Systemagic Productions

للحصول على تجربة النهضة استخدام العبارة "أنا..." (يشعر بها) للكلمات التي كنت تعرف صحيحاً على الإطلاق حول نفسك.



eternal = ’azaliyyun = أزلي

shining, radiant, brilliant, bright = ʾáz-har =  أزهر

original, authentic = ʾaṣliyy = أصلي

elative form of عالم:  having more knowledge; more learned =  ʾáʿlam = أعلم

reliable, honest, faithful, safe, innocuous = ’amīn = أمين

feminine, womanly = ʾunŧawiyyun = أنثوي

feminine = ’únθā = أنْثَى

1. deserving, worthy  2. fit, suited, qualified, eligible, competent = ʾímmar = أَهْلٌ




1. higher, upper, paramount  2. loftier, more elevated, 3. more refined, subtler = ’árfaʕ = أرفع

1. greater; greatest 2. more important; most important 3. supreme, paramount =  aʿđ̣am = اعظم

elative form of كبير.  greater; greatest 2. bigger, larger; biggest, largest 3. older; eldest 4. senior = ʾakbar = أَكْبَرُ

main, chief, principal, leading, cardinal = ar-ra’isíyya = الرئيسية

definite singular of ملائكي; angelic =  al-malā’ikiy = الملائكي

first = ʾawwil = أول


1. prominent 2. eminent 3. remarkable 4. distinguished = bāriz = بارز

elative  أَبْسَط‎  easy, simple = basīṭ = بَسيط



1. complete, whole, entire, full 2. perfect 3. separate, independent = tamām = تمام



1. constant 2. continuing 3. stable 4. fixed

5. static 6. immovable 7. immobile 8. stationary 9. unchanging 10. certain  11. undeniable  12. permanent = thābit = ثَابِت

spiritual, religious, theocratic = ŧiyuqrāṭiyyun = ثِيُوقْراطِيٌّ 



comprehensive, extensive, broad, general, universal = jāmiʿ = جامع 

1. almighty, omnipotent, superhuman 2. mighty, powerful 3. colossal, giant, gigantic, titanic, tremendous, huge = jabbār = جبار 

new = jadīd = جَدِيد 

beautiful = jamīl = جَمِيلٌ

good = jayyid = جيّد 



spicy (of food) = ħārr = حار  

1. ruling, governing 2. decisive = ħākim = حاكم

praising = ḥāmid = حَامِد

1. new 2. modern = ħæ.diːθ = حَدِيث

1. unimpeded, free 2. pure = hurr = رّ 

1. good, fine, well 2. agreeable, pleasant, nice, well-favored 3. pretty, beautiful, lovely, comely, shapely, gorgeous, fair  4. handsome, good-looking, magnificent 5. well-turned 6. radiant, glad, charming 7. graceful, fine, dainty 8. okay, all right = ḥásan = حَسَن 

1. true, authentic, real 2. right, fair and reasonable 3. valid, sound, correct = ħaqq = حَقّ 

true, real, actual = ḥaqīqiyyun = حَقِيقِيٌّ 

1. wise 2. (with الـ) the Wise (one of the names of Allah) =  ħakīm = حكيم  

1. that which is permitted 2. allowed, permitted, allowable, admissible, permissible 3. lawful, legal, licit, legitimate = ḥalāl = حَلال 

alive = ḥayy = حَيّ 



1. special 2. privy 3. exclusive = xaṣṣ = خاصّ 

creative = xāliq = خالق

1. fertile 2. prolific = xaṣīb = خصيب  

1. original, artistic, creative 2. new, fertile, inventive = xallāq = خَلاّق



1. lasting, enduring 2. endless, eternal, perpetual, everlasting 3. perennial 4. continued, continuous, continual, incessant, unceasing, constant 5. permanent, standing, established 6. durable =  dāʾim = دَائِمٌ

1. flowing copiously 2. productive, rich, lucrative 3. profitable = dārr = دَارّ 

warm = dāfiʾ = دافئ 

diplomatic = diblūmāsiyyun = دِبلوماسيٌّ 

 warm = dāfiʾ = دفيء  

international = duwaliyyun = دُوَليٌّ 

religious, pious, godly, God-fearing, devout = dáyyin = دين 



1. masculine 2. manly, virile = đakariyyun = ذكري  

intelligent = dhakiyyun = ذكي 

gold, golden = ðahabiyyun = ذهبي



manly, masculine, virile = rujūliyyun = رُجُولِيٌّ 

wide, spacious, roomy = raḥb = رَحْب 


beautiful, nice, pretty, dainty, comely, handsome, graceful, gorgeous,

charming, lovely, fair, radiant, well-turned, beauteous, good-looking, fine = zain = زين 



enchanting, bewitching, charming = sāħir = ساحر 

1. safe, secure, safe and sound 2. sound, whole, perfect, complete  3. healthy, unimpaired, unhurt 4. undamaged, intact, unblemished, flawless = sālim = سالم  

fast, quick (moving with speed) = sarīʿ = سَريع  

1. safe, secure 2. healthy 3. free = salīm  = سليم  

easy = sahl = سهل   



sunny, sunlit = šā́misشامس 

 brave = šujāʿ = شُجَاع 

madly in love, infatuated with, enamoured of, fascinated by = šáğif = شَغِف 

thanking = šukríyya = شكرية



1. true, truthful, veracious, sincere, candid  2. reliable, accurate  3. genuine, faithful, authentic = ṣādiq = صادق 

1. pretty, comely 2. handsome 3. beautiful, graceful = ṣubāḥ = صُبَاح 

healthy = ṣiḥḥī = صحي 

1. small 2. young = ṣaġīr = صغير 



charming, pleasant, agreeable 2. enjoyable 3. tasty, palatable = ṭayyib = طَيِّب 



high = ʿālī = عالي

 active, effective = ʕāmil = عَامِل

  1. wonderful 2. foreign 3. exotic 4. amazing 5. weird = ʿajīb = عَجِيب

knowing, cognizant, aware =  ʕarīf = عريف

1. excellent 2. precious, dear, valuable 3. rare 4. glorious, magnificent 5. holy 6. powerful = ʿazīz = عزيز 

fragrant, sweet-smelling, aromatic = ʿáṭir = عَطِر

1. magnificent, grandiose 2. great 3. powerful = ʿaẓīm = عظيم 

1. upper 2. high,

lofty 3. roof, upstairs, overhead 4. sublime, exalted 5. heavenly, divine, celestial, astral, ethereal, empyrean = ʕulwī = عُلْوِيّ

  1. higher, highest  2. loftiest, topmost, upper, uppermost = ʕulyā = عُلْيَا 

1. all-knowing  2. omniscient = ʿalīm = عليم

1. huge, giant, gigantic, mammoth 2. super, super- (in compounds) 3. great =  ʕimlāq = عِمْلاق



1. tall, lofty, towering 2. slender, slim 3. beautiful, handsome, pretty = fāriʕ = فارع 

proud = faxōr = فخور

unique = farīd = فريد 

1. eloquent 2. fluent 3. loquacious = fúsʿħā‎ = فصيح

 astronomic, astronomical = falakiyy = فَلَكِيّ 



1. capable, able (على to) = qādir = قادِر 

1. possessing power, possessing strength, powerful, potent 2. having mastery over 3. capable, competent 4. all-powerful, omnipotent, almighty = qadīr = قدير

holy, sainted, saintly = qiddīs = قديس

1. close, adjacent 2. simple, easily understood = qarīb = قريب

connected, joined, linked, combined, united with, associated, affiliated = qarīn = قَرِين 



1. big 2. great = kabīr = كَبِيرٌ

cosmic, universal = káuniyyun = كَوْنِيٌّ 



very playful = laʿāb = لعاب

 funny, amusing = láʿib = لَعِب 

very playful = lúʿaba = لعبة 



skilled, skillful, proficient, adept = māhir = ماهر 

1. blessed 2. fortunate, lucky = mubārak = مُبَارَك 

1. united  2. unified  3. allied = mottahed = متحد 

 religious, devout, pious, God-fearing = mutadayyin = مُتَدَيِّن 

beneficent, charitable = (múHsin) = مُحْسِن 

commendable, laudable, praised, praiseworthy = muḥammad = محمّد 

1. whole, overall 2. thorough = muḥīṭ  = مُحِيطٌ 

educated = mudarras = مُدَرَّسٌ 

1. blessed (by God) 2. fortunate, prosperous, successful = marzūq = مرزوق 

prosperous, thriving, flourishing = múzdahir = مزدهر 

1. unimpaired, intact, unblemished, flawless 2. accepted,

uncontested, incontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible = musállam = مسلم 

rightful, allowed, legal, legislated, lawful, kosher = mašrū‘ = مَشْرُوع  

busy = mašġūl = مَشْغول 

sunny = múšmis =  مُشْمِس

reasonable, logical, plausible, credible = maʿqūl = معقول  

1. taught, schooled, instructed, educated, trained 2. marked, labeled, represented = muʿállam = مُعَلّم 

open = maftūḥ = مَفْتُوحْ

useful = mufiid = مفيد 

holy, sacred = moqaddas = مقدس 

angelic = malā’ikiyyun = ملائكي 

 important = muhimm = مهم 

1. consenting, approving, agreeing, 2. compatible 3. corresponding = muvaafiq = مُوَافِق 

musical = mūsīqiyyun = موسيقي 



sexually exciting, arousing, aphrodisiac = nāʿūđ = ناعوظ  

1. righteous, more righteous, more upright, nobler 2. renowned, celebrated, eminent, famous 3. nimble, agile, keen, clever, penetrating, knowing 4. clear-sighted, clear-eyed, clear-headed, sharp-witted, sharp-eyed 5. sagacious, smart, shrewd, brilliant, astute, intelligent, discerning 6. clairvoyant = nabīh = نَبيه 

1. similar, like, matching 2. equal = niẓr = نِظْر 

luminous = nurāniy = نوراني

1. luminous, bright, shining, brilliant, lighted, illuminated, brightly lit 2. clear, plain, distinct 3. lucid = náyyir = نَيِّر


الإسبانية      الإنكليزية



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