Coffee Trivia Answers


1. What colour are the leaves of coffee trees?

Species of coffee tree leaves can range in colour from purple to yellow but green is the most common colour.


2. Are coffee beans… beans?  If not, what are they?

Coffee beans aren't beans but rather the pits of berries that resemble beans. 


3. Within $25 how much does the rarest coffee in the world cost?

The world's rarest coffee comes from Indonesia and costs approximately $300 U.S. per pound. Kopi Luwak is the end product of a cat-like marsupial, called the Paradoxurus, that loves eating coffee berries. The enzymes in the animal's stomach add a unique flavor during the fermentation process.


4. How many berries does it take to make one pound of coffee?

 It takes approximately 2,000 berries to make one pound of coffee.


5. Is coffee good for sobering up a drunk person?

According to the National Safety Council, coffee is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases it may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol.


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